| "We denounce the interference of the mayor Ana Belén Castejón in the union elections" | Today we have been able to observe again, as happened on September 9 with CSIF, that the website of the city council serves as a spur towards certain unions to the detriment of class unions.Mayor Ana Belén Castejón has announced today that she has “ordered the publication of the bases of the internal promotion contest for administrative assistants”; To begin with, it is necessary to clarify to Mrs.
Castejón that she is wrong in the procedure, since the bases are not published in the BOE, but in the BORM and they were already published in June 2019, after the request of the UGT and CCOO , together with the bases of internal promotion of educator C1 and educator A2.
What you have to publish in the BOE is the date on which the application period of the internal promotion opposition to administrative begins. The promotion from assistants to administrative workers was a joint demand of all the unions that, together with the determination of the assistants themselves, were able to be negotiated in the Job Offers for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018.The promise of taking out this internal promotion and others that are still in the pipeline has been waiting for years, and due to many requests and demands that we made from CCOO and UGT, the answer was the same: it is not possible now.It is a full-blown interference in the union elections that today, October 16, 2020, 13 days before a union election, the Mayor has decided that she is going to publish in the BOE (we understand that the period of application, not the bases) and just after, he met exclusively with the SIME union, indicating in the press release that it was his claim.
We would have understood a goodwill gesture that had been communicated to all unions at a negotiating table.The request to unblock the internal promotions, as well as the officialization, was also carried out with a joint letter from all the unions in the staff meeting, although the Mayor wanted to give the medal to a simple participant, we are happy that all our demands have borne fruit and we hope that internal promotion positions will continue to be unlocked.From UGT and CCOO we firmly believe that municipal employees are intelligent enough to understand that the corporation intends to weaken the class unions (we were the only ones who remained united in the crisis committee), in order to pave the way for it.
future negotiations and submit these to the interests of the corporation.We only hope that there will be a high turnout in these elections and that after them there will be a union unity, lost with gestures like this.
Source: CCOO / UGT