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detail of Cartagena


The municipal government joins the Commemoration of the International Day of the Girl (09/10/2020)

| Cartagena City Council thus joins all the voices that cry out for the defense of equality and the fight against all types of discrimination | The Municipal Government adheres to the institutional declaration made by the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Province (FEMP), to commemorate the International Day of the Girl, which takes place on October 11.

A day that aims to highlight the importance of guaranteeing real equality between the genders, from the earliest ages.In this way, the local government joins all the voices that cry out for the defense of equality and the fight against all types of discrimination based on age and gender; recognizing the essential role of girls as future agents of change and defending their visibility and empowerment as a strategy for the social, economic and cultural change necessary for the construction of a future with equality.For this reason, it is necessary to have sufficient resources to create, at the local level, structures for participation and decision-making for girls and young people, which favor evaluations aimed at establishing the scientific basis necessary to determine the most appropriate and effective mitigation measures; as well as the need to have sufficient funding to carry out the powers in the field of equality and ensure the implementation of all the initiatives necessary to guarantee effective equality of people in all Spanish municipalities.The local government emphasizes that the current situation requires them to act now to prevent long-term consequences and therefore it is necessary to have data disaggregated by sex and age to identify what measures are necessary to guarantee the rights of girls and teenagers.The poverty in which many families are immersed accentuates inequalities; a situation that is aggravated by the health, economic and social crisis caused by COVID-19, generating an impact of unpredictable consequences in the day to day and in the personal, emotional and educational development of thousands of people.The pandemic is deepening pre-existing inequalities.

Thus, to a reality in which women and girls encounter a multitude of barriers, sometimes very subtle, that hinder their presence in society and that determine, for example, the choice of studies and their professional careers, favoring the masculinization of Certain professions and the feminization of others, add new dangers that increase vulnerabilities and accentuate inequalities, jeopardizing their rights and future opportunities.“We live in a world in which around 17 million girls cannot go to school, they cannot access training that will make them free in the future.

Our duty as adults is to defend their rights and protect them so that they can live free and enjoy their childhood ”, said the mayor, Ana Belén Castejón.“Hopefully a day will come soon when it is not necessary to commemorate the International Day of the Rights of the Girl, but as long as it is necessary, from Cartagena we will firmly vindicate the right of every girl and adolescent to not suffer discrimination or violence based on gender.

, to receive an education and to be able to decide on their own destiny ”, he stressed.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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