| The measure represents a saving of € 200,000 for companies | The Board of Directors of the Cartagena Port Authority has approved in the session held today to reduce the occupancy and activity rates for the concessionaires who have requested it, up to the maximum allowed by law in support of port companies and within the established in the Royal Decree on economic reactivation measures to face the impact of COVID19 in the areas of transport and housing. The companies that have requested it are Ilboc, Erhsip, Berge and Terminal Marítima de Cartagena are those that are seen and may be affected by a reduction in solid bulk traffic due to accumulation of storage or reduction of consumption due to the pandemic.
The measure refers to the minimum traffic required in the year 2020, therefore, it is a decision to cover possible difficulties, on a temporary and provisional basis, pending to be accredited at the end of the year and which must be approved.
by the Board of Directors. The approved aid is for those concessionaires who have requested it once the possible and provisional negative impact on their business as a result of COVID-19 has been accredited, providing the necessary documentation to identify the variations suffered with respect to their situation in the last 4 years. The president of the Port Authority, Yolanda Muñoz, has stressed that "the measures applied are up to the maximum allowed by law.
We are the most profitable port in Spain, which allows us to do so and at this time it is essential to support companies that they are the ones that generate jobs and wealth.
Our obligation is to support our dealers and suppliers with measures such as those that have been approved today to alleviate their financial situation as much as possible ". Until August, solid bulk traffic has stagnated with a slight short-term and circumstantial drop of 6.8%, with 287,000 tons less moved by the docks.
Despite this, this traffic has performed well in the port of Cartagena, which has led it to occupy the third position at the national level, a very relevant position, considering that 10 years ago we barely moved 3 million in a year and we were located in the ninth position in the ranking. The modification of the project for the extension of the pipe rack from the service area to the border with El Fangal has also been approved, motivated by the differences between the information provided by the companies and the location of the actual services, which requires that modifications to the route of pipes, the suppression of the platform in part of the route and changes in the enclosures of north and south walls. The already modified project has a budget of 2.6 million euros and its execution period ends in spring of next year.
The pipe rack has a width of 4.70 m, plus a 2-meter-wide sidewalk and a 5.30-m service road.
It will also have two overpasses that will serve to give access to the neighboring warehouses, as well as give continuity to the service road.
The entire route will be equipped with a lighting network on the sidewalk with LED-type lights.
The investment is included in the Immediate Action Plan for Economic Reactivation. In addition, an extension to Engie's concession has been approved for another 4.5 years for the construction of a combined cycle power plant; extend the pilotage service license; annul the obligation to present single documentation of stopover for pleasure vessels due to administrative and bureaucratic difficulties and that imply signs of loss of this type of traffic; and various disciplinary proceedings. This is a Board of Directors that is at the side of companies in the face of the needs they may have, effectively and responsibly applying measures that help boost their activity and provide them with the coverage they need.
Source: Agencias