| In a new marathon session, the Corporation debates more than a hundred initiatives to promote and control the local executive | The plenary session of the Cartagena City Council, chaired by the mayor, Ana Belén Castejón, today approved a motion urging the Government of the Nation to promote appropriate legal reforms in order to effectively combat the illegal occupation of homes.
The initiative has been formulated by the spokesperson of the Popular municipal group, Noelia Arroyo, and has had the favorable votes of the councilors of the municipal government, along with Mc Cartagena, the abstention of Vox and the vote against United We Can United Izquierda Unida Equo .The motion calls for a precise definition of the figure of illegal occupation and to prevent squatters from trying to protect themselves in legal loopholes or in the rights of citizens who act legally.The spokesperson for United We Can Left United Equo, Leli García, explained her rejection of the initiative saying that the problem was not occupation but the difficulty of citizens to have access to housing.For her part, the councilor of Vox.
Pilar García justified her abstention by pointing out that they had already brought a motion a few weeks ago on the same issue but that it had been rejected.SUPPORT FOR SKATE IN ROWThe Corporation has also approved, in this case unanimously, a motion by MC Cartagena councilor, Ricardo Segado García, to support the Club'PATfNenFll-A 'of Cartagena, by repairing the outer track of the Barrio Peral pavilion, eliminating existing sinkholes and equipment that hinder skating and can pose a serious physical danger to students and athletes.The initiative also proposes the transfer of said municipal court for the use of the club without paying a price, like most sports clubs in Cartagena and the concession of schedules for the use of the outdoor court of CEIP Concepción Arenal in order to develop activity in the absence of current spaces.The Councilor for Sports, Diego Ortega, has explained the municipal government's support for the motion since these needs were already being addressed, something that had not been done in previous corporations.MILITARY HISTORICAL HERITAGEAnother initiative of the councilor of Mc Cartagena, María Dolores Ruiz, has also been unanimously approved in defense of the military historical heritage.
The motion urges the municipal government to address the General Directorate of Cultural Assets requesting a joint action from the Ministry of Culture, the Autonomous Community and the City Council to carry out a coordinated action between the three administrations that enables the conservation and maintenance of historical heritage municipality militaryThe Councilor for the area of ??Culture, David Martínez, has substantiated the support of the municipal government by pointing out that this issue is already being addressed within the candidacy of Cartagena as a World Heritage Site.INFORMATION PANELS IN THE MUSEUMAnother motion by the former councilor of Mc Cartagena has also gone forward unanimously requesting that explanatory posters of the pieces located in its gardens be placed in the Municipal Archaeological Museum Enrique Escudero de Castro, in order that they fulfill their didactic work, such as for example: the Numisius Stone, looted in 2005 and reappeared just before reaching the San Ginés de la Jara festival in 2017, the shield of the Gates of Madrid or the mosaic of the Medusa.The Councilor for Culture, Carlos Piñana, explained that the Museum's Didactic Office has already been working on it for a long time.TORRE DEL NEGROAlso with the support of all the councilors of the Corporation, a new motion by this councilor has been approved to inform the Autonomous Community of the situation of abandonment of the Torre del Negro, in the place of El Lentiscar.The Councilor for the area of ??Culture, David Martínez, explained that a report is already being prepared on the state of this defensive tower dating from the 16th century so that the General Directorate of the competent Community can adopt the necessary measures.NETWORK OF NEST HOUSESAt the proposal of the councilor of Vox, Pilar García, an initiative has been approved for the creation of a network of "nest houses", houses equipped for the care of children from three months to three years in places where the scarce population does not allow the opening of public facilities for their care.Its creation will be requested from the Department of Women, Equality, LGTBI, Families and Social Policy, by means of the preparation of a bill that will cover it; At the same time, the City Council will begin to develop a creation plan for nesting houses in Cartagena and initiate the necessary contacts for it.The initiative has had the only vote against the councilors of United We Can United Left Equo.HEALTHY SCHOOL ROADSThe Plenary also approved the motion of Aroha Nicolás, Councilor of United We Can Left United Equo, for the implementation of school road projects to promote healthy, sustainable and safe mobility.
For this, the Local Government is urged to create a Technical Commission for School Pathways in charge of carrying out the diagnosis, preparation of the plan and subsequent monitoring of it, with the participation of schools, AMPAS, urban planning technicians.
, mobility agents as well as representatives of the different municipal groups.The Councilor for Education Irene Ruiz, has indicated that this is another issue that is already being worked on with different organizations and with the schools themselves.The initiative has had the support of all councilors, with the exception of those of Vox, who have abstained.CARTAGENA FREE OF PEOPLE TRAFFICAlso from Aroha Nicolás García has been the initiative that has been approved to declare Cartagena Municipality free of trafficking in women, girls and boys destined for sexual exploitation.The Councilor for Equality, David Martínez, recalled that Cartagena is the only city council in the Region that has considered trafficking as one of the forms of gender violence for a long time and this year an awareness campaign has been deployed that does not focus on the problem in women but in the mafias that exploit them.The vote has registered the support of all the councilors of the Corporation, except for the contrary position of those of Vox, who have described the motion as a gesture to "look for the photo."REJECTION OF PAINTINGS AND ATTACKSThe last motion approved was the joint one presented by Leli García, spokesperson for the United Municipal Group We Can Left Unida-Verdes and the councilors, Ana Belén Castejón, David Martínez, Juan Pedro Torralba and Irene Ruiz on the neo-Nazi graffiti recently made in the Monument to the Victims of the Mauthausen Concentration Camp and the attacks on party headquarters in Cartagena and La Unión.A través de la iniciativa, el Pleno ha manifestado nuevamente su compromiso con los valores democráticos y con la convivencia ciudadana, y rechaza todos los atentados, manifestaciones de violencia y expresiones de odio que han venido sucediendo en las últimas semanas tanto en Cartagena como en el municipio vecino de La Unión.La moción se ha aprobado con el apoyo de todos los concejales del Ayuntamiento, a excepción de los de PP y Ciudadanos, que se han abstenido por no haber querido incluir, según ellos, referencias a los ataques que han recibido en su sede otros partidos políticos, explicando que no podían apoyar un texto que a su juicio solo rechaza la violencia en función de las opiniones de quien las recibe.RENOVACIÓN DEL CONSEJO ECONÓMICO ADMINISTRATIVOEl pleno ha aprobado dentro del orden del día la renovación de los miembros del Consejo Económico Administrativo de Cartagena, mediante el nombramiento de tres nuevos vocales: el máster universitario en formación del profesorado y licenciado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Luis Francisco Fernández; el licenciado en Derecho, abogado y máster oficial en Urbanismo, Francisco Javier Olmos; y el asesor jurídico, fiscal, contable y laboral, Juan José Manzanares, graduado y máster en Derecho y licenciado en Ciencias del Trabajo.Estos nuevos miembros sustituirán a los nombrados hace cuatro años, Julio Frigard, María Isabel Soria y Teresa Balsalobre, y a los que se les ha agradecido los servicios prestados al frente de este organismo.El acuerdo ha sido posible con los votos a favor de los miembros del Gobierno municipal; la abstención de MC Cartagena y de Unidas Podemos Izquierda Unida Equo; y el voto en contra de Vox.La sesión ordinaria correspondiente al mes de septiembre ha vuelto a ser maratoniana, con un receso a mediodía para comer.
En ella se han visto más de un centenar de iniciativas de control e impulso a la acción de Gobierno, entre mociones, preguntas y ruegos, y ha concluido al filo de las ocho y media de la tarde..
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena