Unemployment rose in all productive sectors, with a special impact on construction and industry (both + 8.4%).
Accompanied by a large decrease in the number of contracts signed in all productive sectors, especially in the service sector (-55.1%)COEC disagrees with the statements of Minister Ábalos regarding the paralysis of the works of arrival of the AVE to the city of CartagenaThe total number of unemployed in the Cartagena Region in April 2020 stood at 32,377 people, which represents an increase of 2,067 unemployed compared to March, 6.8% more.
This data shows that the negative economic effects associated with the health crisis caused by the coronavirus were accentuated in April.
Unemployment rose in all productive sectors, with a special impact on construction and industry (both + 8.4%).By municipalities, the number of unemployed rose in all of the Cartagena Region.
The largest percentage increases in the number of unemployed in April occurred in Fuente Álamo (+ 14.0%), Torre-Pacheco (+ 8.4%), Mazarrón (+ 7.4%) and Cartagena (+7.0 %).
Unemployment increased both among men and women and in all age groups, although the group most affected by the rise in unemployment in April was that of men aged between 25 and 44 (+13.4 %).INTERANUAL DATAThe percentage increase in unemployment registered during the month of April 2020 in the region (+ 6.8%) contrasts with the very significant decrease in unemployment experienced in April 2019 (-5.4%) and with the average decrease in unemployment in the months of April of the last 10 years (-2.8% for the period 2010-2019).
And it is that, although April is a month in which unemployment traditionally falls in the Region, the impact of the coronavirus has completely invalidated that seasonal pattern.For the same reason, the medium-term trend continues the deterioration that began in March 2020.
The number of registered unemployed in the Cartagena Region increased in April by 4,992 people compared to the same month of the previous year, April 2019, which which represents an increase of 18.2%.
Compared to April 2019, unemployment rose in April 2020 in all productive sectors, especially in industry (+ 34.0%) and construction (+ 28.8%).By municipalities, and always in year-on-year terms, the number of unemployed rose in all of the Region, especially in La Unión (+ 24.0%), Los Alcázares (+ 23.9%), Mazarrón (+21.5 %), Fuente Álamo (+ 19.6%) and Cartagena (17.7%).
Compared to April 2019, unemployment in the region as a whole increased both among men and women and in all age groups, especially for those between 25 and 44 years old (+ 36.6% in men and +16 , 6% in women).COEC negatively values ??this significant percentage increase in unemployment registered during the month of April 2020 in the region (+ 6.8%) caused by the economic effects of the Covid-19 health crisis.
This extraordinarily exceptional circumstance, unrelated to the usual positive behavior of unemployment in the month of April, makes any qualitative analysis or comparison of these figures impossible.
Monthly and year-on-year unemployment data have broken the entire statistical series for the past ten years.The COEC president has expressed deep concern about the increase in the number of unemployed in our region due to the Covid-19, even in sectors such as agriculture (+ 7.9%) that should not have had job destruction.Faced with the Plan for De-escalation and its impact on the labor market, Ana Correa has once again claimed flexibility in ERTES."We need our employees to be able to gradually join companies, according to the needs posed by the development of economic activity, and all this to guarantee the viability of companies.
Also, we demand a postponement in taxes and social contributions, as well as a greater liquidity and State coverage to the financing needs of companies "said Ana Correa.From the Confederation we can not agree with the statements of Minister Ábalos regarding the paralysis of the works of arrival of the AVE to the city of Cartagena.
We consider that it is the right moment to start up the investments in the great infrastructures necessary for our Region such as the arrival of the High Speed, the ZAL of Los Camachos, the Mediterranean Corridor and the Port of El Gorguel."It is in these moments of harsh economic crisis when precisely all these pending infrastructure works must be relaunched and absolutely necessary for the development of the economy of the Region and the Region," said the president of COEC.The arrival of the AVE is an essential infrastructure for our economy, as collected annually by the Economic Situation Study carried out by COEC together with the UPCT, where it is established that the lack of this infrastructure is hampering the economic development of the Region, and not only affects directly to the tourism sector - which represents more than 70% of regional tourism - but to all economic sectors, such as industry, which demand it."We demand the start of the AVE works to the city of Cartagena as an example of necessary infrastructure for the Region capable of creating employment immediately while the works last and as an investment that will enhance the economic development of the Campo de Cartagena Region" has Correa commented.The Confederation understands that it is a mistake to paralyze investments in infrastructure, the consequence of which is economic development and, therefore, the generation of jobs at a time like this, of the collapse of the labor market.
It is true that it is time to contain inefficient public spending - but not to reduce the investments necessary for job creation and development in our region."We consider the arrival of the Bird to Cartagena, as well as the Mediterranean Corridor, the implementation of the Logistics Activities Zone and the Port of El Gorguel as essential and inalienable as great leverage infrastructures for our future.
We will continue working and fighting for the economic development of our Region, our Region and our companies "concluded the president of COEC.DE-STATIONALIZED DATAIn seasonally adjusted terms, the number of unemployed registered in the Region increased by 2,988 people in April 2020 compared to March 2020, representing an increase of 10.3%.
This data shows the rapid and negative effect that the health crisis is having on the economy of the Region.
With the data currently available, and taking as a whole March and April 2020, during those two months seasonally adjusted unemployment in the region increased by 5,401 people.By municipalities, seasonally adjusted unemployment rose in April in all of the Comarca, especially in Fuente Álamo (+ 17.2%), San Pedro del Pinatar (+ 11.2%), La Unión (+ 10.9%) and Cartagena (+ 10.4%).SIGNED CONTRACTSThe total number of contracts signed in the Cartagena Region in April 2020 was 17,708 contracts, which means 4,673 fewer contracts signed than in March, 20.9% less.
The number of signed contracts decreased in all productive sectors, especially in the services sector (-55.1%).By municipalities, the number of contracts signed in April decreased in all of those in the Region, with special emphasis on San Pedro del Pinatar (-53.6%), La Unión (-30.4%), Los Alcázares (- 29.0%), Cartagena (-25.5%) and Mazarrón (-21.3%).Para poner en contexto la variación en el número de contratos firmados en el mes de abril en la Comarca de Cartagena, el fuerte descenso observado en abril de 2020 (-20,9%) contrasta desfavorablemente con el ascenso experimentado en abril de 2019 (+8,3%) y con la variación media de la contratación en los meses de abril de los últimos diez años, que se sitúa en el +7,9%.Con respecto al mismo mes del año anterior, abril de 2019, el número de contratos firmados en la Comarca de Cartagena en abril de 2020 se redujo en 11.348 contratos, un 39,1% menos.
En términos interanuales, el número de contratos firmados en la Comarca en abril disminuyó en todos los sectores productivos, en especial en el sector servicios (-74,7%).
La contratación interanual cayó en el conjunto de la Región de Murcia un 34,6%, 4,5 p.p.
menos que en la Comarca de Cartagena.Por municipios, y siempre en términos interanuales, el número de contratos firmados en abril de 2020 disminuyó en todos los de la Comarca, sobre todo en San Pedro del Pinatar (-67,5%), La Unión (-66,0%), Los Alcázares (-57,9%) y en Cartagena (-42,3%).
Source: COEC