| The mayor and the councilor for Infrastructure have detailed the actions that will be undertaken within a year and a half and will contribute to the economic reactivation of the municipality | The mayor, Ana Belén Castejón, together with the councilor for Infrastructures, María Casajús, has detailed the works that will be carried out in the coming months to avoid the problems caused by torrential rains and which will also mean a revival of the municipality's economy , since 5.7 million euros will be invested, coming from the surplus of the municipal water service between January 2015 and May 2018.The works must be approved next week in the Water Monitoring Commission.
As reported by the mayor, the main actions will be carried out in the surroundings of the Mar Menor, to prevent flooding; in the historical center; and in neighborhoods and councils.Castejón has explained that the concessionaire, Hidrogea, has been required not to have companies from the same group attend the contests they call; that there is always a technician from the City Council at the contracting tables and that the money from the casualties that will foreseeably be, will be reinvested in new works in the municipality.He has also specified that from the 5,719,550.78 euros of the surplus, the cost of the reform of the pluvial network of the greenway, in José María Lapuerta, which amounts to 196,795.63 euros and which has already been executed, so the total amount to invest is just over 5.5 million euros.EBAR OF THE PLAZA DE ESPAÑAFor the mayor, one of the most ambitious works to be undertaken “is the modernization of the wastewater pumping station (EBAR), in the Plaza de España to expand its capacity and reduce discharges to La Algameca in case of heavy rains or breakdowns ”.Given the size of this work, it will be carried out in various phases.
The first, which will start this year, has a budget of 2,255,000 euros.MAR MENORThe mayor has also reported that various works will be undertaken in the Mar Menor "to try to ensure that episodes such as the DANAS suffered this year cause the least possible damage", along with sanitation works in Los Nietos, for an amount higher than 300,000 euros and connection of Los Urrutias and Estrella de Mar with a conduction, with an investment of around 287,000 euros.NEIGHBORHOODS AND COUNCILSRegarding the neighborhoods and county councils, Castejón has reported that a rainwater collection network will be built in the surroundings of the Llano del Beal public school, with a budget of almost 209,000 euros, and sanitation works in Los Dolores ( for 203,000 euros); in Narrow Well (151,000 euros); Alums (54,000 euros); in El Plan (74,000), in El Albujón and in Canteras (91,000).Likewise, a wastewater collector will be built for Ápices and several houses in Santa Ana for about 59,000 euros.HISTORIC HELMETLastly, in the Historic District, network improvement works will be carried out on Saura and Subida streets in San Diego, for a total value of 263,000 and 173,000 euros, respectively.ADVANCED PROJECTS UNDER MUNICIPAL SUPERVISIONThe Councilor for Infrastructure, María Casajús, stressed that the projects are well advanced in most of the proposed works and that all of them represent an advance in the quality of service provision in the management of the water cycle.
He said that the contracts, always with municipal supervision, will be carried out without delay after the technical approval of each project to start executing them within the current year and contribute to the generation of employment among companies in Cartagena.The councilor recalled that some works will require a longer execution time, such as the renovation of the Plaza de España impulse station, which is a work of great technical complexity that must last for several years.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena