From the Federation of Associations of Neighbors, Consumers and Users of Cartagena and Region, FAVCAC, we want to show our concern at the announcement made by the President of the Community, regarding the sale of 650 public homes belonging to the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia.We know that there are many families that, due to their social emergency situation, are forced to have to resort to public bodies to request help to access a residence, this is currently resolved, mostly, from the Social Services Municipalities providing rental aid in some municipalities in which the price of leases is in many cases unsustainable for these families.
What supposes a dependency of the social services that in nothing is what it should look for.
This situation, which thousands of families live in our Region, should not occur if, as has been demanded from social entities and especially from the neighborhood movement, there were more public housing to cover the demand of these families who are at risk of residential foreclosure.From the FAVCAC we firmly believe that when the citizens gave their trust to Mr.
Lopez Miras, they did not do it thinking that he spolies the public properties, but that he manages them in the best possible way to cover the needs of our neighbors.
The lack of public housing in our region is something that has been denounced for a long time by social entities and publicly announcing that these homes are going to be sold is not good news for these families.Social housing must meet the objective of covering the housing emergency situation experienced by many families.
We are not yet out of the crisis that started in 2008 and they are already talking about that we are going to enter into an even bigger crisis.
In this situation, we firmly believe that what the Regional Government should be doing is thinking of generating a public housing stock that can meet existing demand.In addition, from the FAVCAC, we fear that the budget that the executive has announced for the rehabilitation of existing public housing is not enough to cover the great deficiencies they suffer after decades of neglect, and that the interest in their sale is more a way of not assume the investment that as current owners of the same must make to guarantee the safety of those who reside in them.For all the above from the FAVCAC we are going to request to hold a meeting, even if it is virtual, both with the Housing Counselor and with the President of the Community himself to answer our questions and make it clear that we will continue to follow closely This process.The Federation of AA.VV, Consumers and Users of Cartagena and Region "Fernando Garrido" has requested the corresponding Department to convene a meeting by videoconference of the Advisory Council for Culture of the City of CartagenaThe reason for this request is to try together to find solutions for the culture of the municipality of Cartagena, which due to the Coronavirus crisis, will suffer a setback.We must not forget that culture is musical, artistic, theatrical or of any kind is a good that enriches society and is necessary for its development.The FAVCAC wanted to hold this meeting already before the health crisis began, but after it we consider that it is very necessary.Our municipality must find alternative solutions so that culture does not disappear as other municipalities in the Region have done.From FAVCAC we are going to work hard so that public health, public education, unemployment, commerce, tourism and culture, among others, have the necessary means to recover.
Source: FAVCAC