This morning, the spokesman for the MC Cartagena municipal group, José López, has argued the twenty proposals in the form of amendments registered for his formation last Friday and that seek to remedy the evident deficiencies that the Government has neglected in the second budget of the legislature.
However, he has begun by expressing his condolences for the deceased loved ones who were victims of the Covid-19 pandemic, while congratulating the Cartagena society for the response given to the health crisis, as well as thanking all the groups that "fight for keep our society and by making our life as normal as possible within the abnormality in which we live. "
Then, he recalled that since this crisis began, MC Cartagena has called for "consensus and has proposed extraordinary measures to try to deal with the blow that we have all received. We must get up and stay on our feet when all this happens."
The amendments referred by López will have to be debated in the debate on the general budget of the City Council for 2020 that will take place next Wednesday.
The measures of the cartageneristas are divided into three large blocks, contemplating specific actions to face the effects caused by the Alarm State on the occasion of the Covid-19 pandemic;
Another battery of pending proposals from the 2018 budget, in addition to many others considered by MC to be "unavoidable".
Reduction of salaries throughout the legislature and 1.5 million for social care, measures against the effects of the pandemic
Regarding the first block, MC Cartagena has proposed a special contingency plan that includes a package of bonuses and exemptions in the different municipal taxes.
It would include bonuses on water or garbage receipts for SMEs, the self-employed and citizens who have seen their income reduced due to the state of alarm;
exemption from the occupancy rate of public roads (terraces) for hospitality businesses;
the suspension of the market rates or the exemption of the tax for stop of auto taxis.
This would imply a reduction in income for the municipal coffers of approximately half a million euros, an amount that would be corrected with a 10% reduction in the salary of councilors and municipal managers, a measure that would extend throughout the legislature.
In line with the social situation we are facing, MC Cartagena also defends the need to increase by 1.5 million euros what has already been contemplated for social care.
It is inexplicable that, according to what was announced, the 2020 budget implies a decrease in social spending of 1.2750.000 euros with respect to the 2019 financial year, this reduction not being satisfied with the application of the surplus, which has been estimated at just over 800.000 euros.
With this amendment, the Cartagena training requires "high-mindedness" to combat the social consequences of the crisis and for the municipal budget to formulate answers and solutions to the problems of Cartagena.
Aid for SMEs and the self-employed;
plans for the recovery of the municipality and the benefits of electronic administration
MC's argument to reduce the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in the municipality, which will undoubtedly be affected with a strong impact on our economy, includes contemplating a plan for aid to SMEs and the self-employed that alleviates their lack of income. weeks and that contributes to defray unavoidable expenses such as the payment of rent, among other urgent needs.
In parallel, our training is committed to the design of social revitalization plans that will result in benefits for commerce, tourism and hospitality.
Such is the case of 'Cartagena Viva', to promote leisure in public and local spaces suitable for this purpose, recovering for this reason canceled or reduced activities.
Likewise, it is advocated to reserve a percentage of performances for Cartagena groups.
The program 'Cartagena moves' would have similar dynamization objectives, this time focused on sports, with the reduction of public prices for the use of municipal sports facilities to symbolic amounts.
In addition, one of the conclusions we have reached due to the state of alarm decreed by the Covid-19 health crisis are the notable shortcomings both of the City Council and of the citizens regarding electronic administration.
However, the obligation to perform in the so-called 'tele-work' has been an opportunity for development in this regard, so our training rejects that less budgetary allocation is allocated to the concept of electronic administration.
For this reason, we urge that it be increased to meet objectives such as the electronic file view and the use of this channel for the exchange of information.
Also to carry out training courses for neighborhood groups and associations.
Proposed amendments since 2028
In an exercise of political responsibility, MC promotes among its amendments to the 2020 municipal accounts that those approved in 2018 are executed and whose realization was either not complied with by the Government of Castejón despite being approved in plenary, or not it has been included in the 2020 budget.
Local Trade Promotion Plan
It is an initiative that is more than justified in 2018 and, today, acquires more importance if possible.
For this, a determined commitment is necessary that goes beyond the simple distribution of subsidies, creating an exclusive item destined to finance this program of revitalization of local commerce, independently of the one foreseen for the commercial and cultural revitalization that will be undertaken when Let's get out of the confinement to which we have been forced as a result of the declaration of the State of Alarm by Covid-19.
Due to the late approval of this year's budget, a multi-year expenditure is contemplated for the execution of this measure.
Support for the UPCT Racing Team
The Cartagena training program reapplies as it did in 2018 municipal support for the projects of the UPCT Racing Team, a team of young university students that combine their knowledge and learning in electrical and mechanical engineering with the associative and sports world, creating prototypes of racing vehicles arriving to create several competition prototypes to date.
This initiative, promoted by the UPCT, an institution that has always opted for innovation and the potential of its students, also requires the collaboration of the institutions as claimed by MC.
Support for the Cartagena Chamber Orchestra
Undoubtedly one of the main deficiencies in cultural matters in our municipality was the absence of a chamber orchestra that complemented the training of young people and students of the Conservatory of Music of Cartagena.
MC addressed this priority by promoting municipal collaboration with the Chamber Orchestra and the Young Symphony Orchestra, enabling a calendar of concerts and activities to be created.
For this reason, for 2020 it is requested that the allocation destined to the Chamber Orchestra be maintained to consolidate its project and allow its cycle to become a reality.
Comprehensive Action Plans (PAI) in neighborhoods and councils
Without prejudice to the necessary investments that must be made to improve the infrastructure of neighborhoods and county councils, some areas demand specific actions for regeneration and social urban planning, similar to those successfully promoted by the Casco Antiguo society under the management of Antonio García in places such as Lo Campano, which has had continuity through the Local Pact for the prevention of social exclusion both in this neighborhood and in Santa Lucía and Los Mateos.
In this sense, MC requires for 2020, as it already did in 2018, that it also turn its gaze to other neighborhoods in need of this attention, such as San Antón, Villaba, Virgen de la Caridad, José María de Lapuerta and El Bohío, in one game encrypted at 200,000 euros.
Completion of the storm raft and La Aljorra soccer field 5
To remember the forgetfulness of the previous Government, repeated by the current one, MC Cartagena defends the need to finish the works for the completion of the storm raft in La Aljorra, which would serve to attenuate the water avenues to the rural nucleus of the town, action approved since 2018 and which, until today, has only contemplated the excavation and fencing of the plot.
Also in this deputation, the installation of artificial grass on soccer field 5 in the municipal field 'Luis Guarch' is pending since 2018, in addition to improving the lighting in the installation.
Deferrable amendments
The third block of MC amendments to the local government budget are the ones considered as 'unavoidable' actions.
Contingency plan for the Mar Menor Sur, unavoidable work
Yesterday, to everyone's surprise, the Government announced that this year's investment for the Mar Menor would be limited to five footbridges to be located in Los Urrutias to facilitate bathing.
Late proposal (it was going to be executed by CARM in 2017), but also inappropriate due to the current situation, since even if it returned to normal, residents could not bathe, since the levels of turbidity, chlorophyll and discharges that give rise to a green soup that has been covered.
The self-styled 'forgotten' have powerful reasons to feel this way, being clear that what is urgent is not a bath in the quagmire that the Mar Menor policies have turned into, but to help people while it recovers, if they are capable of turning a dying situation, almost irreversible.
These people are the ones who reside and resist with their business activity in the Mar Menor Sur, families, self-employed and SMEs, so we propose a contingency Plan for them, so that this money reaches people that this summer of 2020 does not they know if they will bathe, but they also do not know if there will be a future.
Maintenance of archaeological remains
MC considers it essential to end the current image of neglect and neglect and ensure the conservation of archaeological remains to prevent them from being degraded, something improper for a responsible administration, contrasting that the Government is struggling in the unreal propaganda of 'Cartagena World Heritage Site 'while they dedicate a derisory amount to this matter.
For this reason, MC proposes its increase to 60,000 euros.
Municipal contribution to the network of chairs with the UPCT
The arrival to the Mayor's Office of MC led to the establishment of an alliance between the City Council and the UPCT to generate opportunities for progress for Cartagena and its region.
This commitment to knowledge and research materialized with the creation of the Chairs of Infrastructure and Environment with MC in the local government, without new lines of action having been initiated since the breakdown of the pact for the Castejón refugee nor in the current legislature. investigation.
The current crisis makes collaboration between the UPCT and municipal technicians essential in the search for solutions, so MC proposes that this 2020, 200,000 euros be allocated to a chair in the socio-economic field on the potential of the region, complementing it with previous.
Sustainable mobility
After knowing the partial results of the mobility study in the urban center of Cartagena, whose actions coincide with the measures contemplated by the Mobility Plan 'M17' promoted by MC and boycotted by the current Government, MC claims that the actions planned in El Ensanche with the 'superblocks', as well as the search and adaptation of deterrent parking lots.
Road safety plan
The lack of maintenance in road signs causes a dangerous situation on many roads.
Despite the fact that in November 2019 the Government denied the increase in accidents, even voting against a specific plan to increase security on our streets and crossings, the reality again contradicted them, having in March of this year an increase 16% in accidents that have required the presence of the Local Police.
For this reason, MC demands that a Road Safety Plan be developed, with various lines of action, and that it have a starting point of 100,000 euros.
Urgent consolidation of Cerro de la Concepción on Gisbert Street
During the last year there have been significant landslides in the Cerro de la Concepción area, the last of these episodes occurring during the recent month of March.
Faced with this situation, MC proposes, within its amendments, that the basic consolidation actions be carried out and that the projects necessary to guarantee safety be commissioned and prepared.
Carrying out epidemiological studies
In January of last year, the Plenary approved, on the initiative of the MC, that the Ministry of Health be urged to publish the results of the epidemiological studies carried out on the inhabitants of El Llano del Beal.
Our municipality not only suffers from pollution caused by operating industries but also from abandoned mining operations or industries that closed decades ago.
Meanwhile, the regional government looks the other way while it is known that the incidence of respiratory conditions and cancer in our municipality is very high.
For this reason, MC, which promoted the celebration of a monographic plenary session not finally carried out when it was not convened voluntarily by the Government, demands that the City Council lead this vital issue and commission an independent laboratory with epidemiological studies on the population of the Deputations of Alum La Aljorra, as well as the environment of the contaminated belt of the city, which make up the neighborhoods of San Ginés, Torreciega, Estación Station, Los Mateos, Lo Campano and Santa Lucía, establishing the diseases with the highest incidence and the affectation caused in these pollution and industrial activity.
Support for grassroots sport
Grassroots sport is physical and mental health for our youth and will be even more necessary at the end of confinement.
However, the Government discourages it, without contributions to elite sport being able to excuse it, which should count as approved by the Plenary at the proposal of MC with the sponsorship of the Costa Cálida brand, which until now has been used to support clubs in the city ​​of Murcia, municipality as we know very far from the beaches it advertises.
Given this, the Cartagena training team defends that in 2020 the same amounts will be allocated to basic sport as previous exercises.
Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena