The Statistical Service of the Cartagena City Council has recommended the use of the municipal electronic office to request the registration certificate that some educational centers ask parents to formalize the registration of their children.
The measures adopted to contain the spread of the coronavirus have limited face-to-face attention in this service to those who have previously arranged it by appointment.
For this reason, those who do not obtain a number are advised to request the document directly through the internet.
A digital certificate is not required and can be requested at any time.
You just have to access the following link and fill in the personal data, indicating that it is for enrollment in educational centers.
The certificate will be sent in a few days to the registration address.
There is still enough time, since the deadline ends on March 24.
For citizens who have a digital certificate or are users of the citizen's folder, the registration certificate can be downloaded instantly, through this other link = / ElectronicHead / procedures / templatework / process.asp? Codtramite = 21 & tramite = S & obligateLogin = S.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena