This Friday, March 6, the Conference "Feminist Dialogue between Peoples" will be held in the Assembly Hall of the Ramón Alonso Luzzy Cultural Center.
It will be from 10.30 am, with the mayor of Cartagena, Ana Belén Castejón, scheduled to attend the closing ceremony, which will take place at 1:00 pm.
These days, included among the events scheduled for the celebration of the 8M, International Women's Day, are designed from a feminist, anti-racist perspective, betting on dialogue, equity and equality as fundamental features for a democratic and diverse society , where the leading role of racialized communities is highlighted.
Roma Historical Report: Performance "Gitanas at the head" of the Association of Feminist Gypsies of Cartagena.
Round Table: "Feminist Dialogue between Peoples".
María José Jiménez Cortiñas "Guru": Association of Feminist Gypsies for Diversity, thinker and founder of Romani Feminism thought and production.
Deborah Ekoka: Coordinator of the United Minds Sociocultural Space and author of Metamba Miago, stories and knowledge of Afro-Spanish women.
Catársia: Collective of Asian descendants of Catalonia.
Ikram Lelaalhe: Muslim.
Community Creation Education.
Julia Catillo Condori: Community Anti-Racist and Anticolonial Feminism.
Aymara (Bolivia).
Daniela Magda Cladera: Migrant Movement Community Anti-Racism Feminism.
Quechua (Peru).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena