This morning, in the administrative building of San Miguel, the municipal group MC Cartagena, represented by the councilors, José López, Jesús Giménez, Isabel García, María José Soler, Arantxa Pérez, and Enrique Pérez, together with representatives of the Soil Platform Contaminated from the urban belt of Cartagena, they have adhered to the media to account for the request for an extraordinary plenary session on pollution in our municipality.
The aforementioned collective integrates the residents of San Ginés, Sector Station, Santa Lucía, Los Mateos and Torreciega.
The motivation of the Cartagena initiative has been exposed by the deputy spokesman for the training, Jesús Giménez.
"We want all interested associations and platforms to express themselves in the municipal plenary, as we did with the residents of the Mar Menor. Every day they see how El Hondón, Zincsa or Peñarroya are still contaminated and have to listen if there is radioactivity or if there is uranium , if someone will force the property of Zincsa to clean the rafts or if the port will decontaminate the lands of Peñarroya that expropriated to make an extension of its warehouses ".
"In addition," the mayor continued, "we want to highlight the epidemiological studies that we have claimed from MC in 2018, which the Plenary approved and that the Ministry seems not to have carried out. It is essential to monitor health and make it concrete in a complete risk analysis by the competent administrations. To date, the only one that exists is the one commissioned by José López during his two years of City Hall. "
Subsequently, the deputy spokesman of MC Cartagena has advanced the intention of his training to promote "two other extraordinary plenary sessions, one on air quality in the municipality, in which the residents of Alumbres and La Aljorra have a priority voice and another, about mining waste. We want the City Council to assume its share, claim, and that the Autonomous Community put budget and intentions and, above all, results of these epidemiological studies to know the condition to all Cartagena. "
"We know that all the studies that appear in the press abound in a greater incidence in cardiorespiratory diseases, cancer, or the health of children. We cannot look the other way and we want to force this Government, which does not govern for Cartagena, I can look inside, "Giménez has reasoned.
Stop irresponsible policies regarding prevention against contaminating effects
The specific objective of the extraordinary Plenary promoted by MC is the adhesion of Cartagena to the "Declaration of climatic and environmental emergency of the Spanish state", for the adaptation of our municipality and region to it, declaring ourselves in "environmental emergency".
Similarly, the operative part of the agreement contemplates requiring the three national administrations (local, regional and state), as well as the supranational institutions "to recognize the aforementioned situation and a multiannual decontamination plan for the municipality and the region, with committed financing. "
Finally, require CARM to continue in this budget year and thereafter to give continuity to irrevocable actions such as the issuance and updating of risk analyzes to the population of the contaminated land of the Cartagena urban belt;
establish health follow-up guidelines and necessary means to control the impact of soil contamination on health;
that the epidemiological studies carried out during the last twenty years be made public, and the beginning of studies that determine the diseases with the highest incidence in the referred populations and the affectation caused by pollution and industrial activity.
Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena