The medium-term trend continues to be positive since the number of registered unemployed decreased by 640 people compared to January 2019, in the Region of Cartagena.
The total number of unemployed in the Region of Cartagena in January 2020 stood at 28,732 people, representing an increase of 981 unemployed compared to the month of December 2019, 3.5% more (see table 3).
Unemployment rose in January especially in the services sector (+ 5.2%) after the end of the Christmas campaign, but also rose in agriculture (+ 2.4%) and in industry (+ 1.1%) .
On the contrary, unemployment was reduced in construction (-1.3%) and among unemployed people without previous employment (-0.7%).
By municipalities, the number of unemployed increased in almost all of the Region of Cartagena.
The highest percentage increases in the number of unemployed in January were in Mazarrón (+ 6.3%), Fuente Álamo (+ 5.0%), La Unión (+ 4.9%) and Cartagena (+ 3.6% ).
The only exception to this general increase in unemployment in the Region is found in Los Alcázares (-0.6%).
At the regional level, unemployment rose both among men and women and in all age groups.
The percentage increase in unemployment registered during the month of January 2020 in the Region (+ 3.5%) was somewhat more moderate than that experienced in January 2019 (+ 3.9%).
That said, the rise in unemployment in January 2020 is higher than the average percentage increase in unemployment during the months of January of the last 10 years (+ 2.3% for the period 2010-2019).
With respect to January 2019, unemployment fell in January 2020 in most sectors, especially among the unemployed without previous employment (-10.3%) and in agriculture (-8.3%).
On the contrary, unemployment increased year-on-year in industry (+ 2.2%) and in construction (+ 1.3%).
By municipalities, and always in inter-annual terms, the number of unemployed decreased in all of the Region, especially in Los Alcázares (-7.7%), in Fuente Álamo (-5.8%), in San Javier (- 4.2%), in Torre-Pacheco (-2.9%) and in La Unión (-2.3%).
By sex and age, unemployment in the whole of the Region increased among those over 44 years (+ 3.7% in men and + 1.6% in women), while it was reduced in the rest of the age groups .
COEC prudently values ​​the traditional increase in the numbers of unemployed during the month of January, mainly in the services sector (commerce and hospitality) after the end of the Christmas campaign.
In the face of this foreseeable increase, unemployment was reduced in construction and industry.
The unemployed figures rose in all the municipalities of our Region, except in Los Alcázares, with a slight decrease (-0.6%).
That said, the medium-term trend of unemployment in the Region continues to be positive since the number of unemployed registered in the Region of Cartagena decreased by 640 people compared to the same month of the previous year, January 2019, which also represents a 2.2% decrease, continuing with moderation in the pace of unemployment reduction, in year-on-year terms, started four months ago.
The president of COEC, Ana Correa, prudently assessed these data, predictable during the month of January, after the end of the Christmas campaign.
However, from the Confederation there is some concern about the increase, in interannual terms, of unemployment in the industrial sector (2.2%) and in construction (1.3%).
"We are concerned about the institutional stoppage of the large infrastructure necessary for our Region, such as the Logistics Activities Zone of Los Camachos or the new El Gorguel dock. We request the regional administration to accelerate the processing of the ZAL, which accumulates a large totally unjustified delay. For this, we have requested the urgent call of the Bureau of the ZAL, "said Correa.
The president of COEC wants to congratulate the Economic and Social Council of the Region of Murcia for the decision, adopted unanimously by all councilors, to request the Government of the Autonomous Community of the region of Murcia to transfer to the Government of Spain the need
of the declaration of public interest of the first order of the Port of Gorguel and its transfer to the European institutions.
"The Gorguel is a great economic and social infrastructure that will bring a new business model to the Region of Murcia as one of the great logistics areas of the Mediterranean, not
only by the movement of millions of containers, but also by the manufacturing industry that can be installed in the area of ​​influence of this new dock, with the creation of numerous jobs for our Region "Ana Correa concluded.
In seasonally adjusted terms, the number of unemployed registered in the Region increased by 22 people in January 2020 compared to December 2019, which represents an increase of 0.1%.
This data indicates that the rise in unemployment in the Region has been similar to the usual in the months of January.
As we pointed out in the December 2019 issue of this newsletter, although the seasonally adjusted number of unemployed in the Region of Cartagena is very close to the minimum reached during the current economic cycle, the data for the last four months does not seem to be consistent with the declining trend of seasonally adjusted unemployment in the Region in recent years.
By municipalities, seasonally adjusted unemployment increased by half of those in the Region: Fuente Álamo (+ 0.9%), Mazarrón (+ 0.4%), La Unión (+ 0.3%) and Cartagena (+0, two%).
In the other half, seasonally adjusted unemployment decreased, especially in Los Alcázares (-1.6%), but also in Torre-Pacheco (-0.6%), San Javier (-0.3%) and San Pedro of Pinatar (-0.1%).
The total number of contracts signed in the Region of Cartagena in January 2020 was 24,570 contracts, which means 184 contracts signed more than in December, 0.8% more.
The number of signed contracts increased with respect to the previous month both in construction (+ 74.9%) and in industry (+ 44.8%) but decreased in services (-4.1%) and in agriculture (-0.6%).
By municipalities, the number of contracts signed in January increased by half of those in the Region: San Javier (+ 28.3%), Los Alcázares (+ 27.6%), San Pedro del Pinatar (+ 18.8% ) and Cartagena (+ 0.7%).
On the contrary, the number of contracts was reduced in La Unión (-24.2%), Fuente Álamo (-14.8%), Torre-Pacheco (-7.6%) and Mazarrón (-2.8%) .
To put into context the variation in the number of contracts signed in January in the Region of Cartagena, the slight rise observed in January 2020 (+ 0.8%) is significantly lower than that experienced in January 2019 (+11 , 9%) and is also below the average hiring increase in the months of January of the last ten years, which stands at 5.2%.
The same pattern is repeated for the whole of the Region of Murcia.
With respect to the same month of the previous year, January 2019, the number of contracts signed in the Region of Cartagena in January 2020 was reduced by 4,412 contracts, 15.2% less.
In year-on-year terms, the number of contracts signed in the Region in January decreased in almost all productive sectors, with the sole exception of the services sector (+ 0.5%).
Year-on-year contracting fell 10.9% in the Region of Murcia as a whole, 4.3 pp less than in the Region of Cartagena.
By municipalities, and always in inter-annual terms, the number of contracts signed in January 2020 decreased in most of the Comarca, especially in Torre-Pacheco (-27.9%) and in Mazarrón (-24.6% ).
On the contrary, the number of signed contracts increased in San Pedro del Pinatar (17.9%), thanks mainly to agriculture, and La Unión (+ 2.1%), due to the higher contracting in construction.
Source: COEC