This Thursday, December 26, the City of Cartagena, through the Department of Social Services, has signed the granting agreement for a total of 1,159,137.82 euros, to 56 Social Action Institutions, to the Federation of Centers and Seniors Clubs and 35 Seniors Clubs of Cartagena of the municipality of Cartagena, as well as 46 public education centers, in 2019.
The events have been held together with representatives of all groups in the Hall of Ceremonies of the City Hall, chaired by the mayor of Cartagena, Ana Belén Castejón, the vice mayor, Noelia Arroyo and the Councilor for Social Services, Mercedes García, on behalf of the entire Municipal Government.
The grants are intended to support the execution of the social projects that the entities have carried out in accordance with the purposes they pursue and aimed at the most vulnerable population and at-risk groups and social exclusion of our municipality.
These priority care groups are: groups in situation or risk of social exclusion, people with disabilities, immigrants and refugees, people affected by addictions of various types, gypsy communities, associations and clubs that promote actions aimed at older people, as well as community actions in neighborhoods and other actions aimed at facilitating equal educational opportunities by supporting the acquisition of textbooks and teaching materials for students with special economic difficulties to meet these expenses.
The subsidized Social Action entities, which will have a total of 695,000 euros will be APICES, ASIDO, Cancer, Red Cross, Murcia Welcomes, SODICAR, APANDA, AFAL, Parents Against Drugs, Rascasa, Parkinson, SENA, San Vicente de Paul, Marraja Foundation, Caritas, ADA +/- HI, Afibrocar, Asylum Store, Ángel Tomás, Buen Samaritano, Lourdes Hospitality, ASTUS, Family Action, Southeast Alcer, TP, AMA, Shoulder to Shoulder, Sclerosis, ASTRADE, Belarusian People, Columbares, Sierra Minera, ACCEM, SOI, La Botica del Libro, CANVI, Mundi Teachers, FAMDIF, Asperger, Hospitality Santa Teresa, CEPAIM, Asteamur, Caire de Cartago, Primi Sport, SERFAM, DGENES, Retimur, Abraham Project and Don Bosco Federation.
In addition, seven International Cooperation projects that are carried out by other non-governmental development organizations in developing countries during this year have been subsidized for a total of 261,000 euros, which are Caritas Coordinating Center, Marraja Foundation, Little Sister of the Poor, Huertecica, Family Action, Food Bank and UNICEF.
For its part, 72,637.82 euros will be allocated to the six non-governmental development organizations with headquarters or delegation in the Spanish Red Cross municipality, Fundación Tienda Asilo de San Pedro, FADE Foundation, Proclade Foundation, CEPAIM Foundation Integral Action with Migrants and Action BAOBAB ONGD.
For the 36 senior clubs, a total of 65,000 euros are allocated and the same amount to the 46 educational centers of the municipality.
Thus, the elderly clubs that have received their subsidy have been those of El Albujón, La Aljorra, Canteras, Federation of Associations of the Elderly, La Manga, La Palma, La Puebla, Los Belones, Los Nietos, Llano del Beal, Miranda , Polygon of Santa Ana, Pozo Estrecho, San Ginés, Santa Ana, Station Sector, Torreciega, Virgen de la Caridad, Alumbres, Los Dolores, Barrio Peral, Cuesta Blanca, Nueva Cartagena, San Antón, Ports of Santa Barbara, Perín, Molinos Marfagones, Isla Plana, San Cristóbal, Tallante, San José Obrero, José M.ª La Puerta, Barrio de la Concepción, Vista Alegre, Los Barreros and La Azohía.
Finally, the educational centers are the CEIP Aníbal, Asdrúbal, Carthago, Comarcal San Isidoro, Feliciano Sánchez, Féliz Rodríguez de la Fuente, José M. Lapuerta, La Asomada, San Ginés de la Jara, Virginia Pérez, Sacred Heart of Jesus , Stella Maris, Mediterranean, Our Lady of the Sea and San Isidro, as well as HEI Isaac Peral, Los Molinos, Carthago Spartria, Saint Lucia, Polytechnic and Ben Arabí.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena