The plenary session that will take place on the 4th in the City Council of Cartagena will be, if not decisive, yes of great importance for our group.
On the one hand, the formation of United Podemos-IU-EQUO will present a motion to urge the municipal government to request the withdrawal of illegal instructions sent by the Ministry of Education to schools in late August, with which it imposes the so-called "parental pin" for all the complementary training that each center wishes to offer its students, in their legitimate freedom.
On the other hand, Vox presents a motion for the City Council of Cartagena to urge the same Ministry to force the management of each center to inform and give authorization of families for each activity that affects moral issues or sexual content.
From the GALACTYCO Collective we want to express, once again, our concern about how much is happening in the Region of Murcia with this issue, and we will transfer both public opinion and our political representatives in our municipality, what we consider the most absolute gravity
We have an enormous responsibility as a society, and our commitment as a civil association is clear and forceful: we not only organize protest activities to transfer to society in general the need to advance in rights and freedoms, in equality and in respect for diversity, but we have also been trained in educational matters to transfer empathy and knowledge to the school population of Cartagena that lead us to respect the difference, to understand that affective-sexual, gender and family diversity is a social reality that must be so assumed as respected, because this is clearly described in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, because it follows from how much it has inspired our educational laws, and because so, the many LGTBI associations that have operated in our country, we have achieved that today today the thousands of citizens belonging to the LGTBI collective have the possibility
ad to live a life with more freedom, with more dignity and with more respect.
Our group, GALACTYCO, has been established in the city of Cartagena for eleven years, and in recent years we have made a huge personal effort to carry out training workshops in educational centers where they are requested, supplying with this activity what is already, clearly, an obligation of administrations and institutions.
We put our effort, our knowledge, dedication and even financial resources to advance the freedoms and well-being of our most vulnerable population.
In 2016, more than three years ago, a law was approved in our Region that aims to continue advancing in Equality, in training and in knowledge about the reality of the existence of Diversity.
This law, the 8/2016 of LGTBI Equality, requires that in schools the training and workshops that invite tolerance and full acceptance of what has been traditionally condemned, stigmatized and discriminated against be implemented: being gay, lesbian, bisexual or trans.
That it is shown that diversity is part of reality, and that what conditions our well-being and happiness is the imposition of the heteronormative as an existential norm, as a unique model of projecting our lives in the affective, sexual, gender and family plane.
This law was passed unanimously by all parliamentary groups, although there was no real commitment from our regional government to implement it, due to the pressure of the ultraconservatives.
We know that the right-wing split in this country has brought us a political party, Vox, that has filled its ranks with the most conservative, ultra-Catholic and retractor people of the common impulse and effort to make our society a kinder and livable place to the minority that represents the LGTBI collective.
And we know that their greatest concern is that their children do not learn that diversity exists, that we have the same right to form our families, to project our lives in the same conditions of freedom and security, to plan our life experience according to our nature as beings. humans, to develop our desires and desires, and to live in peace after centuries of discrimination and hate.
Faced with this political aggression against our people, bleached and consented to by some, our position is clear: the defense of current legality.
First, the parental pin that they intend to impose from the Ministry of Education of the Region of Murcia, encouraged by ultra-Catholic groups such as the Family Forum or HazteOír, shamelessly violates the regional decrees that regulate the educational laws of our country, specifically Decrees 220/2015, of September 2 and 198/2014, of September 5, which establishes the curriculum of Secondary and Primary Education in the Autonomous Community of Murcia, whose content clearly dictates that the complementary activities that Each organization center is not voluntary, but mandatory, unless they are conditioned outside the educational center.
The only thing required by these decrees is to report the content of the activities.
Secondly, the aforementioned Law 8/2016 on Equality imposes the mandatory training in Diversity.
Likewise, all laws dedicated to orienting education, child protection agreements, the Constitution itself and our Statute of Autonomy, are aimed at the educational commitment to Equality, and the good development of our minors.
And this, without a doubt, includes non-discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation or gender, and family origin.
This has been made known to all political forces, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Women, LGTBI, families and social policy, as well as the Ombudsman, who we have recently addressed to mediate and intervene in this I deliberately hit the current legality by the Ministry of Education, whose sole purpose is to satisfy the Vox ultra-right party, with whom our regional government has agreed to get the endowment, and this issue is a priority in its lgtbifóbicas policies.
With all this we want to remind all municipal groups of the city of Cartagena their commitment to our group, their electoral promises defined in their programs and, above all, their duty to defend the Law. It would be a shame for our city that the intentions of Those who intend to take us to a past that we thought was overcome, put in check those who are more to the left, to the right or to the center, had already understood and assumed that education in Affective-Sexual, Gender and Family Diversity is not an option , but a duty as a society, and it is precisely those who remain anchored in the prejudices against our collective that most need it.
We demand from our association responsibility, legality and common sense to the people and parties that today represent us in our municipality.
We are aware that there is in that session a single party, of felt and demonstrated lgtbifobia, for which our voice is uncomfortable and impertinent, who would like to continue treating us as sick and not deserving of being first-class citizens as we currently are, to meet with our rights diminished and throw us back into the space of discrimination.
In front of them, we ask for union and responsibility of the rest of the democratic forces.
It may be necessary to remember that despite the progress made, our children continue to suffer from bullying due to LGBT, which are also many who also endure the anguish of family rejection when they openly declare gay, lesbian, bisexual or trans, and that Unfortunately, there are also many who choose to live armed with fear of the rejection of those families that, precisely, are intended to impose their morality on education.
All this is what leads us to believe that public education has a commitment to these minors, leads us to demand the necessary political action to respect the laws: those that have cost us so much to obtain, those that protect people from the historical lgtbifobia that we have suffered, and those that force us to educate in values ​​for a better coexistence and the fulfillment of an objective that is unquestionable: Full Equality.
And for all this, we appreciate the initiative of United Podemos-IU-Equo, for getting involved and working in coherence with their electoral commitments, hoping that others will do the same.
They sign it:
Alberto Alba and Mar Tornero, President and Vice President of GALACTYCO Collective.