The City Council of Cartagena has called four scholarships for training and specialization in the field of tourism promotion and information.
They are intended for postgraduates in these areas who want to deepen their knowledge about it.
The duration of the scholarships is one year.
One of the four scholarships will go to people with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33 percent.
They must meet the requirements established in the call within the period established by it.
If there were no candidates in this place, it will go to the free shift.
The training will be basically practical, within the powers assigned by the Department of Tourism.
They will be at the Tourist offices on their schedule from Monday to Saturday, they will do tourism marketing practices and analyze statistics of this Area.
They will also have to attend to tourists who come to the tourist offices.
All activities will be supervised by the Tourism Technical Team Coordinator.
The remuneration of the scholarships will be 1,000 euros gross per month.
Those who enjoy this scholarship will have no employment relationship with the City of Cartagena.
This scholarship is not compatible with any other paid work.
Nor will there be the right to compensation in case of completion of the internship program.
The Spanish and nationals of other European Union member countries that have the homologated or validated title in Spain of the Diploma or Degree in Tourism may apply for these scholarships.
In addition, they must meet the following requirements: lack of work experience in the areas in which they apply and have not enjoyed the same scholarship in previous years.
Applicants must submit the only instance model that appears in Annex I of these Terms addressed to the Councilor for the Area of ​​Finance, New Technology and Interior, in the General Registry of the City of Cartagena located on the ground floor of the administrative building of C / San Miguel, 8 CP 30201 of Cartagena, by telematic presentation through the link, in any of the decentralized offices (OMITAS) or in the post offices, as established in article 16.4 of the Common Administrative Procedure Law of Public Administrations 39/2015 of October 1, which will state that they meet the requirements
required for participation.
The deadline for submission will be 10 business days from the day following the date of publication of this call in a regional newspaper and on the municipal website: (Bulletin board or in Scholarships, Helps and Subsidies).
Successive publications will be made on the same municipal website: (Bulletin board or in Scholarships, Grants and Subsidies).
The application must be accompanied by the following documentation:
A) Photocopy of the DNI, NIE or Passport.
B) Photocopies of the required academic degrees.
C) Curriculum Vitae conforms to Annex II of the Basis of this call.
D) Photocopies of the alleged merits.
E) Working life report
F) Accreditation, where appropriate, of the degree of disability equal to or greater than 33 percent
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena