The Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) opens the process of its first participatory budgets.
This initiative will allow to collect the proposals of the academic community and to decide jointly, through a vote, the fate of a part of the budget.
The economic endowment of this initiative is 50,000 euros.
All members of the university community, both students, as well as teaching and research or administration and services staff, may propose and vote on proposals for actions to be financed with the provision for participatory budgets that the UPCT will include for the first time for the year 2020.
The UPCT seeks to increase the detection of University needs, favor the participation of all university levels, increase transparency in the allocation of resources, favor the communication of the university community with the Polytechnic government team and deepen the direct participatory democracy.
The voting of the proposals will be anonymous and online.
Submission of proposals
Each person may submit a maximum of three proposals, each of which may not have an estimated budget of more than 15,000 euros.
All actions to be assessed must be framed within the competences of the University, respect the legal system and be technically viable, without requiring the hiring of personnel or the granting of nominative grants.
An Evaluation Commission will analyze the proposals and pass a list of those that meet the requirements to move on to the voting phase.
Proposals can be submitted until November 8 through the UPCT website
Source: UPCT