The environmental organization clearly believes that only one station measures PM2.5 in the entire Region, and they claim that the right to public information on air quality is being violated by not offering real-time data.
Ecologists in Action has again complained to the Directorate General for the Environment and Mar Menor that all stations in the regional atmospheric surveillance network measure PM2.5 microparticles, since the only station in the atmospheric surveillance network that measures these microparticles , is that of Mompeán (Cartagena).
They also denounce that there is no public information in real time of the values ​​of this dangerous pollutant.
Proof of this is that this year's data will only be known at the beginning of 2020, which implies, in the opinion of the association, a violation of the right of citizens to information on air quality and a large bias in the diagnosis of This type of pollution in the region.
Ecologists in Action warns that a recent study, published in the European Respiratory Journal, indicates that PM2.5 particle contamination is related to 33% of the incidence of childhood asthma.
Another study, published in the European Heart Journal, estimated 48,429 premature deaths in 2015, due to exposure to PM2.5 particles, almost double those estimated, for the same year, by the World Health Organization (WHO).
This reflects the fundamental role of PM2.5 microparticles in premature mortality and morbidity of the population suffering from this type of contamination.
PM2.5 microparticles are the most dangerous particles, since they are smaller than PM10 particles, which allows them to reach the pulmonary alveoli and penetrate the blood flow.
The effects that particles cause on people's health are associated with respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis and asthma, and also cardiovascular diseases.
Pollution in suspended microparticles (PM2.5) is a better indicator of urban pollution than PM10, because its origin is anthropogenic in a high proportion, since PM2.5 largely come from traffic emissions rolled, especially of diesel vehicles.
Royal Decree 102/2011 establishes an annual limit value of 25 micrograms / cubic meter that will be reduced to 20 μg / m3, from 2020. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) marks as an annual average value, which should not be exceeded, 10 μg / m3.
Ecologists in Action has been proposing for years to the General Directorate of the Environment, in the context of a Modernization Program of the Atmospheric Surveillance Network, two urgent measures:
The installation of PM2.5 particle analyzers in all fixed stations of the regional air quality monitoring network.
Public information, in real time, of the daily values ​​of these microparticles (given their high incidence in Public Health).
The diagnosis and control of PM2.5 microparticles is one of the fundamental elements for the development of strategies to improve air quality and fight against air pollution in our region.
It is necessary to address, from a global perspective, throughout the region, this problem that is not only environmental but also of Public Health.
Source: Ecologistas en Acción