The architect of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, Rocío Hernández Gálvez, is one of the 18 finalists of the category 'Academic Works' of the XI Ibero-American Architecture and Urbanism Biennial for her project' Educational Center and teacher research in Pozohondo (Albacete) '
The project, an alternative teaching center, is a proposal to combat rural depopulation in the town of Albacete.
The school is based on learning through projects, with personalized and collaborative teaching methodologies, in which students of different ages coexist in class.
For this purpose, he has designed an architectural complex that "blends in with the people".
"To give the same opportunities to the inhabitants of the rural world" is the objective of this last project, designed by Rocío Hernández Gálvez, who has located in the town where her family originated. "
The Biennial, which begins on October 5 in Asunción (Paraguay), shows the best of the 22 countries of Ibero-America in the categories Panorama of Works, Publications, Research Texts, Academic Works and Habitando Iberoamérica.
997 proposals have been submitted to this call.
Among the 32 finalist projects, collective spaces predominate: public facilities, cultural centers, educational or recreational.
Entrepreneur in virtual and augmented reality
The young architect from Murcia, aged 28, created after graduating from the Polytechnic University of Cartagena a company with another architect by the UPCT XYZE company (, in which they offer immersive virtual reality services, with 3D vision and 360 degrees of the designed spaces.
"Architecture has to be experienced immersively, virtual reality is perfect to do it," says Rocío Hernández.
"I consider myself a methodical person, since I could not survive otherwise," he says on the XYZE website, whose offices are located in the CEEIC of Cartagena.
Rocío Hernández Gálvez also won a second prize at the 2013 Pladur awards for the work "Urban Stripes", carried out together with her classmates Antonio Jesús Martínez Espinosa and José María Mateo Torres.
Source: UPCT