The councilor of the Area of ​​Public Function, Finance and Quality of Life in office, Manuel Mora, attended this morning to the presentation of the Conference on prevention of suicide in the Security Forces and Organized by the Unified Police Union ( SUP), Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) and the Unified Association of the Civil Guard (AUGC), which takes place today, Tuesday, June 11, at the UNED headquarters in Cartagena.
Throughout the day Casimiro Villegas Montero, coordinator Plataforma Zero Suicidio Policial (ZSP) will present the statistics and comparisons of the year 2018. He will be followed by Fernando Pérez Pacho, clinical and technical psychologist of ZSP who will talk about the causes and psychological management of ideation suicide.
The violence from the psychological and emotional point of view will be the topic that César Augusto Giner Alegría, doctor in Advocacy, psychologist and criminologist;
as well as police suicide and prevention of occupational hazards, by Noelia García Guirao, psychologist, senior technician in PRL and expert in Applied Psychosociology.
Other aspects that will be discussed will be the process of mourning due to suicide, by Marta J. González, expert psychologist in Duel and criminologist;
as well as the police disability that has emerged as a risk factor, to Vicente Flores Calero, graduated in Prevention and Integral Safety and president AILPOLD-Spain.
In the afternoon, psychosocial risks, stress and violence at work will be addressed by Tomás García Castro, senior technician in PRL and author of "Beyond stress".
The day will conclude with an open table on the emotional self-protection and resources within our reach, moderated by Víctor J. Navarro Iñíguez, criminologist and UNED professor.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena