Next Thursday May 30, the Cartagena Think, organized by the City Council's Department of Culture, closes the cycle 'Thinking of Disability' with the round table on 'Education and disability.
Is it possible to continue thinking about specific centers for special children in the 21st century?
at 7:30 p.m. in the Assembly Hall of the Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering (ETSIA).
The table will feature Lucía Díaz Carcelén, a graduate in pedagogy, a hearing and language teacher with 31 years of experience in specific centers, Mª Ángeles Díaz Caneja, a child psychiatrist at the Murcia mental health center, responsible for the Day Hospital of Cartagena and Mª Ángeles Salgado Mena, head of the Department of Philosophy of the IES Isaac Peral and former president of ASPERMUR, the Association of parents of children with Asperger syndrome.
Participants will present Cari Blázquez, member of the Cartagena Piensa promoter group.
The recognition of inclusive education in the nineties as a fundamental principle that would guide educational policies throughout the world, pushes to rethink the way in which the school responds to diversity, ideologically and conceptually enriching the previous approaches.
Inclusive education questions the creation of specialized services or differentiated measures based on previously defined categories, the expert organization of supports or the separation of quality and equity in education.
Inclusion as a process requires time to build together and listen and recognize others as professionals.
They are unique experiences that share a road map but that also have a unique history.
The establishment of a collaborative culture and shared learning is essential and requires a change of attitude on the part of the entire educational community.
Is the current education system ready to take on this challenge?
Lucía Díaz Carcelén is a professor of EGB, with a degree in pedagogy, a hearing and language teacher with 31 years of experience in specific centers.
She has published books on augmentative and alternative languages ​​and is currently the Director of the Public Center for Special Education Santísimo Cristo De La Misericordia (Murcia).
Mª Ángeles Díaz Caneja is a child psychiatrist at the Murcia mental health center, responsible for the day hospital in Cartagena.
Mª Ángeles Salgado Mena holds a degree in Psychology from the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature at the University of Granada, and is currently a professor of philosophy and psychology at the IES Isaac Peral and head of the Philosophy Department.
She has also been president of ASPERMUR, the Association of parents of children with Asperger syndrome.
He develops his activity from a great sensitivity for the diverse realities of special educational needs.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena