The Plenary in functions of the City of Cartagena has agreed to urge the next Corporation, which will take possession on June 15, to expressly resolve through the competent body the appeal for collective reinstatement formulated in 2004 against the agreement of extension of the contract of the water, as well as that the information and penalty files are opened to the hydrocarbon company and the Commission of Investigation on the water service is reactivated.
The session of extraordinary nature had been convened automatically because it had not been held within 15 days of the request made by a quarter of the councilors of the Corporation, belonging to the municipal groups of MC Cartagena and CTSSP.
The acting mayor, Ana Belén Castejón, has given way in the first place to the acting spokesperson of the CTSSP, Pilar Marcos, who has argued the first proposal relating the situation of the appeal presented in 2004 by a group of citizens, against the agreement of the full adoption on November 12, 2003, considering that it was not justified the extension of the water contract for 25 more years, should have been extinguished on December 26, 2017, and remunicipalizado the service or have managed a new management formula hint.
The accidental general secretary of the plenary has read his report in which he warned of the limited nature of the agreements that an acting corporation can adopt, noting that a similar agreement had already been adopted in this legislature.
It also pointed out that the appeal could not be resolved by the plenary session when it found itself in office and be limited to matters considered by law as mere administration.
This warning has based the abstention in this point of the municipal groups of PP, PSOE and Citizens, approving with the votes of the proponents MC Cartagena and CTSSP, who considered that the matter should have been resolved before by the competent body.
On the second of the sections, to urge the next Government to initiate information and sanction proceedings to the Hidrogea company and to reactivate the Commission of Investigation on the Water Service, the acting spokesman of MC Cartagena, José López, has He described the vicissitudes experienced by the privatization of this service and the irregularities that in his opinion have been committed in terms of the elaboration of rates, justification of expenses or investment.
This second proposal has been supported by all the municipal groups, except the PP, which has abstained, on understanding that the adopted agreement will be terminated on June 15 with the Corporation that has adopted it.
The Plenum ended with the announcement of the acting mayor that it had been the last session of the current Corporation, although it will meet again a few days before its cessation to approve the minutes of this last meeting.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena