Citizens will submit to the mayor of Cartagena a battery of questions at the last regular session of the legislature, "was arrogated more than a year ago the unlocking of the transfer of the Deposit Franco, now has to put the same interest in explaining why not has produced"
Citizens urged the PSOE Government to unblock before the end of the legislature the procedures to make possible the transfer of the Franco Deposit and the Integrated Transport Center to Los Camachos, "it is not even that the socialists of Cartagena do not share the objective, here only lack of capacity and skill to meet the times;
and that structural weakness of the local PSOE is costing us a lot of money and is causing a huge flight of business projects and jobs to other areas of the Region of Murcia ", says the spokesman of the Liberal Party, Manuel Padín, who does not want the Cartagena people to trust in his words, "I only ask you to verify the facts, to ask why at this time of year we do not have municipal budgets to invest and finish what was started in neighborhoods and councils, or new fiscal ordinances to help the commercial fabric and hotelier, or why events of the caliber of May crosses are in danger. "
Cs will ask explanations at the last plenary session of the legislature to the socialist mayor, Ana Belén Castejón, "it was she who cheerfully took over on September 7, 2018 the unblocking of the ZAL, which publicly announced that the relocation of the Franco Deposit was imminent, and it is she who now has to appear to explain why exactly the opposite is happening, why they are not able to release the loads of the land where the Franco Warehouse is now located and therefore allow the economic operation for the transfer ", Has justified Padín making reference to the information offered by the newspaper La Verdad.
"Although no one bothers to remember, Ciudadanos was the first political party to take forward an amendment in the Regional Assembly to rescue from the most absolute oblivion the project to create a large logistics area in Cartagena;
I do remember it, it was December 4, 2015, and I also remember the PP senator, Francisco Bernabé, assuring, as a delegate of the Government at the time, that there were no companies interested in the region and the regional government holding back the agreement year after year with Sepes ", says Manuel Padín who also claims the games that Cs reserved in 2018 and in 2019 for the transfer of the Deposit Franco;
"We have guaranteed the necessary investment every year but if the bipartisanship stops the projects from the Government for petty strategic interests, our effort is useless, while these parties remain installed in the regional and municipal government the ZAL will remain only a project that drives Citizens ".
Finally, Citizens has recalled that the PSOE has been pending since February 2017 the execution of a plenary agreement for the organization of a series of conferences on the importance and development of the Logistics Activities Areas in Spain, "without a doubt, if this we would have done it, today the ZAL would be closer ".
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena