"We will not allow the bureaucratic complexity implemented by PP and PSOE (which we want to eliminate) and the lack of cooperation between the regional and local administration delays more the response to the serious deficiencies of our schools, institutes and nursery schools," says the spokesman of Cs Cartagena, Manuel Padín
Citizens will evaluate as soon as it reaches the Government of Cartagena compliance with the safety regulations of all schools in the municipality and establish a schedule for the drafting of the priority projects to be carried out according to need.
It will do so by virtue of the initiative promoted by the Liberal Party in the Regional Assembly this year for the implementation of a voluntary cooperation program between the regional and municipal administration.
Cs Cartagena intends to make the most of this opportunity generated by its Parliamentary Group, "the objective is to cooperate at the municipal level to the extent of our possibilities to accelerate the necessary projects that should receive regional investment", explained the spokesman of Cs Cartagena, Manuel Padín.
"What Cs will not allow is that the bureaucratic complexity implemented by PP and PSOE (which we want to eliminate) and the lack of cooperation between the regional and local administration delays the response to the serious deficiencies of the centers."
The Liberal Party considers the collaboration of the City Council to be a priority for the drafting, "of those works that reduce the risks for the physical integrity and for the health of our students, especially the youngest ones".
Manuel Padín gives examples of projects to avoid runoff with hazardous waste, for the progressive removal of asbestos, for air conditioning and habitability or to comply with regulations on safety and risk prevention, "it is not about doing the job , or to do all the projects that should be done by the Ministry of Education but to cooperate in the first phase so that the most urgent works go forward as soon as possible, being very clear that the funding will be borne by the regional funds for being regional competences " .
The Cs program will crystallize through the realization of an agreement, whose object would be the delegation of powers in the local entity that subscribes it, respecting the provisions of the 1985 regulatory law of the bases of the local regime, so that the municipalities they are responsible for the management and certification of the works of habitability, air conditioning and security while the regional government will have to take over the financing.
According to the spokesperson of Citizens in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, "we will select, from the lists of needs of the educational centers of our municipality and in collaboration with the FAPA, the first performances".
Regarding security regulations, the Liberal spokesman recalled that there is a high number of schools that have bars on the windows that can not be opened from the inside, that do not have a nearby water intake for fire cases, they have not signaled properly the exits of emergencies, or where the fire extinguishers have not been reviewed in years ", has listed the liberal spokesman who has remembered the case of the school of La Puebla.
"The second floor of this building has no emergency exit and violates the regulations on occupational risks."
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena