As usual in the public events convened by VOX, also in Cartagena this morning was an absolute packed in the Auditorium El Batel to listen to Javier Ortega Smith, general secretary of VOX.
The meeting was also attended by María José López, candidate for mayor of Cartagena, Lourdes Méndez, head of the VOX list for Murcia and Pascual Salvador, provincial president.
All of them highlighted the strength of VOX in this electoral pre-campaign, despite the media plot against us, and the massive acceptance by citizens of a political program that until now no party in Spain dared to defend.
There was also criticism of the new Statute of the region of Murcia, which clearly introduces the ideology of gender and so-called historical memory, while in really important matters such as water maintains a shameful ambiguity so as not to bother the left forces with those that PP and Citizens have agreed to that reform.
The act was developed normally concluding with an immense applause of a full capacity of 2,000 people.
Source: Vox Murcia