- Cs will take to the next full a battery of questions to clarify the plans of the PSOE to highlight this part of the wall erected between the late seventeenth century and early eighteenth century
Cartagena, Friday, March 8-.
Citizens Cartagena denounces the "complete municipal neglect" of the Government of the PSOE to properly ensure the archaeological excavation brought to light the wall of Felipe V and the western rampart of the wall of 1721. The perimeter of protection consisting of metal fences is shot down in the middle of the public road, and on the remains "the sensation for all who travel this place is neglect and indifference on the part of the City Council, and if Cartagena aspires to be a municipality that values, protects its heritage and wants to become a destiny for the cultural tourism of first level we can not allow dantescos spectacles like this one ", sustains the spokesman of the liberal party in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, who has informed that already it has sent a writing to the Concejalía responsible so that it puts as soon as possible a fenced in conditions.
"We have been sympathetic to the difficulties of undertaking the work for the enhancement of this enclave, but we do not admit that, while the time comes, we are offering this painful image in one of the entrances to the Old Town through the Plaza López Pinto We will not allow what happened in the Plaza del Lago to extend to other areas, "said the Cs spokesman.
Questions about the project at the next Plenary
Citizens asks the City Council not to forget the canvas of the Baluarte and Muralla de Felipe V and the shelter of the Civil War, which were found at the end of 2015 in front of the Artillery Park and Plaza López Pinto in Cartagena, and that has not yet been They have put in value.
The events occurred in December 2015 when a wall erected between the end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th was discovered, granting even more historical and cultural value to the city of Cartagena.
Along with the remains of this wall of Philip V or Wall of 1721, archaeologists also found a refuge from the Civil War preserved, according to experts, in very good condition.
The councilman of Culture, David Martinez, said in the plenary of July 2018 that there was already a defined project for the consolidation of the findings, musealization, redevelopment of the environment in that part of the Plaza de López Pinto, for which they sought private financing , and that there was an advance of the plan for the refuge, "since 30,000 euros were invested for the first prospects and a bit of conditioning the area, nothing has been done, and the worst: now we do not even inform or promise anything," he says. Manuel Padín who says that Cs will bet on Cartagena as a cultural destination.
The orange formation will ask at the next plenary session to the mayor of Cartagena for the maintenance to which the canvas of the wall is being submitted, as well as for the actions that the local Executive contemplates to put in value these remains.
"They should not underestimate the finding and they should show more decision when it comes to promoting the right project to conserve the remains so that they contribute to increasing the great cultural and historical value treasured by the city of Cartagena," says Padín, who also claims the Regional administration that is involved in the project, "we are going to transfer this request to our regional teams that are drawing up the common framework of the electoral program and to our Group in the Regional Assembly," Padin reports.
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena