The Association of Housewives of Cartagena, integrated into the Murcia Federation of Associations of Housewives, Consumers and Users ThaderConsumo, delivered yesterday to three women from the world of teaching their IX Awards 'Women's Day', in recognition of their involvement and defense of equal opportunities.
The award ceremony, which will be attended by the general director of Family and Equal Opportunities, Alicia Barquero, took place on the afternoon of March 4, at 17.30, in the Cultural Hall of the Cajamurcia Foundation, Pedreño building, in Cartagena.
The theme chosen this year for these awards is 'Women in teaching' and the awards were given by Mrs. Aurora Silva Huertas, Ms. María del Mar Atiénzar Martínez and Ms. Juana María Haro Senise.
The president of ThaderConsumo, Juana Pérez, recalled that every March 8 "commemorates both ordinary women and the architects of history, and has its roots in its plurisecular struggle for women to participate in society in favor of the equality with man. "
For its part, the president of the Association of Housewives of Cartagena, Carmen Aznar, recalled that the presiding Association called in 2011 the 'Women's Day' Awards to recognize "that activity or initiative developed by women, that have stood out for their work in favor of real and effective equality of the rights of men and women, due to their accumulated experience, recognizing the work done in favor of equal opportunities ".
In the editions of previous years the winners came from the world of politics (2011), journalism (2012), literature (2013), business (2014), medicine (2015), fraternities (2016), pharmacist (2017) and the judicial (2018).
Source: Agencias