On the morning of Friday, February 22, with departure from the IES Elcano, the 1st Solidarity March "El pudco, mójate por la plena inclusión y accesibilidad!" Took place, in which around 400 students participated. .
The event is framed within the commemorative events of the 40th anniversary of the educational center.
The mayor of Cartagena, Ana Belén Castejón, along with two students from the center, were in charge of reading the closing statement of the solidarity march in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento.
The solidarity march has counted with the presence of the Councilor for Social Services, Mercedes Garcia, and the Councilor for Sports, Manuel Mora.
The race started at 10 am from the center, located on the Tentegorra road.
During the trip to the Plaza del Ayuntamiento in Cartagena, a stop has been made in La Vaguada to plant some trees.
The Association of Naturalists of the Southeast provides the seeds for this act.
After reading, the participants have moved to the Palace of Sports of Cartagena.
There have been raffled balls for all attendees to the solidarity march.
From there they have returned to the institute, where a party with a DJ is being held in the patio of the IES Elcano.
The collection will go to ASSIDO Cartagena and Austimo Somos Todos.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena