In October 2018, the VIII Report of the European Network for the Fight against Poverty and Social Exclusion in the Spanish State (EAPN) was presented, which indicated that the poverty or social exclusion rate in the Region of Murcia was of the highest in the country, affecting this to 34.7 percent of the population, compared to 26.6 percent of the Spanish average2E
From Podemos Región de Murcia, presented this February, a proposal of Law with the main objective of attending in an immediate way the basic needs of thousands of Murcia and Cartagena, mainly children who are affected by poverty and exclusion.
In the City of Cartagena, CTSSP is going to submit a motion to the plenary session so that the political parties with representation in the Corporation, urge the Regional Government to approve the Guaranteed Basic Income Law presented by its group in the Regional Assembly, for This way we can end the serious situation that thousands of Murcian and Murcia live in when they are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, and above all to protect minors from "child poverty".
The concept of Guaranteed Basic Income is perfectly defined in the proposed Ley de Podemos, which assumes "the coverage of basic needs through the guarantee of an economic benefit of wide coverage and easy management, which also implies in the medium term the possibility of improvement of the conditions of social insertion of people and their unity of coexistence through access to complementary programs of aid for social, labor and school integration, supporting the basic needs of each family member ".
From the formation of dwelling, they emphasize that there are great differences between the Basic Income of Insertion, that currently perceive the families at risk of poverty in the Region of Murcia, and the Guaranteed Basic Income proposed by their group, and that in addition it is going to suppose a rupture with the current dependence on Social Services.
Among the novelties provided in the proposed law include:
Immediateness and ease in the resolution of the administrative procedure, related to the processing and granting of Guaranteed Basic Income, using the procedure of processing through the electronic administration, reducing the terms of resolution and collection of the benefit (currently the applicants could take months to collect)
The Guaranteed Basic Income proposal makes the concept of citizenship prevail, making the whole cohabitation unit beneficiary regardless of the age range.
The principle of minimum income guarantee is preserved, complementing those that may come for other aid, and not excepting some specific ones.
The computation of income is related to the SMI, since it is directly related to social and labor insertion.
The Guaranteed Basic Income will be indefinite and the achievement of the objectives, that is to say the social and labor insertion of the applicants, is established as the term for the completion of the concession.
To conclude from Podemos state that the proposed Guaranteed Basic Income Law will improve the living conditions of between 20,000 and 25,000 people who do not have "any resources". In addition this income will enjoy a complementary nature for those with less income, so you can help at least 10,000 other people.
"It's about dignifying the lives of people, to stop blaming them for their situation of poverty, that they do not have to depend on benefits of 400 euros to be able to support their families, but that they have an opportunity to find work, but with the real support of the administration, "said Pilar Marcos, Secretary General of Podemos Cartagena.
Source: CTSSP