The councilor of the Department of Social Services, Education and Transparency, Mercedes García Gómez, held a meeting today with the entities of people with disabilities, in order to expose the groups and entities that work with disability the actions that are being developed through of the Municipal Plan on Disability, as well as others planned in the short and medium term and the scheduling of the same, among which are the celebration of days and the International Day of Disability, talks in educational centers and within the programming of the Department of Culture and the visibility of disability through contests, awards and recognitions.
There have also been topics of vital importance such as the forecast of the start-up of the technical accessibility office and the next design of the II Municipal Disability Plan.
The meeting was held with representatives of 23 disability entities that are detailed below: Autism we are all, ONCE, San Pedro Store Asilo Foundation, Cartagena TP, D 'Genes Association of Rare Diseases, ASIDO Cartagena, southeast ALCER, EMACC Sclerosis Multiple, Association of Cartagena and Region, ASTRADE, Federation of Deaf People of the region of Murcia, Hospitality of Lourdes of Murcia, AFAL, Association ADAHI, ASTUS, ASTEAMUR, FAMDIF / COCEMFE, Parkinson Association of the region of Cartagena, Shoulder Association with Shoulder, SOI Foundation, APICES and ASORCAR.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena