The next month of May finalizes a new legislature without that has advanced in the necessary restitution of the province of Cartagena, due to the lack of commitment and false promises of electoral character carried out by the PSOE Cartagena.
It should be recalled that, on the initiative of MC, in October 2016, the constitution of the Working Table on the viability of the province of Cartagena was approved in plenary, which had the favorable vote of all the parties of the Corporation.
The work carried out in this round table concluded "the existence of a detrimental centralism, the support for regional decentralization, the legal viability of the creation of the biprovinciality, as well as the incorporation in the reform of the Statute of Autonomy of the reference to the province and to the restitution of the province of Cartagena. "
In this sense, last October of 2018, from the Bureau of the province, formed by parties, neighbors and the Platform for the Biprovincialidad, and whose work began on November 25, 2016, a report was delivered to the Registry of the Regional Assembly with the aforementioned conclusions that include the benefits of the province of Cartagena.
In spite of it, the president of the Regional Assembly, Rosa Peñalver, of the PSOE, has communicated that it will not receive to the president of the Table of the province, Antonio Garci'a, by "problems of agenda", although Garci'a encrypted in "20 minutes" the time of the meeting.
The opposition of the socialist president of the Assembly to assess a proposal that would ensure a balanced budget distribution and greater representation of the CARM in the Cortes Generales, clashes with what was announced in June 2016 by Ana Belén Castejón, who announced that the local PSOE I would request the modification of three articles of the Statute of Autonomy that would open "the door to the creation of the province".
José López: "the PSOE, the future of Cartagena and its region do not care anything"
The spokesman of the municipal MC Group and secretary general of the Cartagena training, José López, regretted that "the president of the Assembly is hiding and refuses to know the conclusions of the table of the viability of the restitution of the province of Cartagena" .
López has shown that "when it comes to making a posture about the province and the region, everyone points to the car that MC shoots, while when it comes to offering solutions to the inhabitants of the entire region, they hide in their offices "
All this despite the fact that "the results of the municipal work table driven by MC are clear and conclusive: the biprovincialidad is viable and the comarcalización, forced."
For this reason, has denounced that "if Rosa Peñalver does not attend a document that collects the conclusions of the municipal groups and neighbors, and that includes reports of prestigious university professors, is despising all Cartagena, whether in substance or not ", besides remembering the contradiction that Peñalver" belongs to a party that has given press conferences saying that it bets because the province is reflected in the Statute of autonomy, so either Castejón lies, or the PSOE is not clear " .
Finally, the Cartagena leader said that "it is a pity that after the PP ignored 50,000 signatures during two legislatures, in this, the PSOE has done the same," concluding that "the only reality is that the future of Cartagena and its region do not care about anything. "
Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena