The Agency for Local Development and Employment (ADLE) of the City of Cartagena launches the second Activation Program, aimed at people in situations of long-term unemployment.
The application period for participation in the program will be from January 8 to 28.
The purpose of the program is to accompany and guide people to improve their employability, motivating and facilitating the development of skills that improve their search tools and allow them to successfully face their re-entry into a job.
The Activation Program has an assistance grant and combines training in employment skills, personal development and an internship in companies, according to the professional profile of each of the selected.
The program will prioritize the selection of over 40s with family responsibilities that have been unemployed for more than a year.
Information and registration in the labor intermediation department of the ADLE, on Calle Caridad, 1st - 3rd floor.
To complete the application, they must provide the following documentation: Curriculum Vitae updated, DNI or NIE, demand for SEF employment and working life.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena