The Agrupación de San Juan Evangelista of the Brotherhood of Nuestro Padre Jesús Resucitado will celebrate next December 27 the Mass in honor of its holder, which will take place this year at the Basilica of Charity, at 7:00 p.m., and will be presided over by the chaplain of the brotherhood, Miguel Solana.
In this celebration, the Colonel Director of the General Air Academy, Miguel Ivarra Ruiz, will hand over to the group the baton of command and the Rokiski -shield of the Air Force-.
Also, the group will give you the diploma of Brother of Honor.
All this will take place in a year in which the General Air Academy and the Royal and Illustrious Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus Resurrected celebrate their 75th anniversaries.
It is also planned that the AGA Music Unit will participate in this Eucharist.
The presence of the General Air Academy in the procession of Resurrection Sunday of the city of Cartagena, escorting the image of San Juan Evangelista, as well as its connection to this brotherhood, dates from the year 2011.
Source: Cofradía Jesús Resucitado