After attending the Plural and Participatory Table to redo the General Plan, CTSSP - PODEMOS has celebrated that the process is finally underway.
The purple formation, nevertheless, regrets that this initiative does not arise from a Government convinced in the necessity of the participation, but rather as a result of two different factors: the unmitigated failure of all the previous strategies to cast the General Plan annulled and , on the other hand, the pressure of PODEMOS and the groups of civil society (ecologists, neighborhoods, in defense of heritage, linked to transparency, etc.).
Since PODEMOS have criticized that the Government has lost so much time and resources in vain when it was very clear from the beginning what had to be done: abide by the judicial rulings and make the General Plan with neighborhood participation and democracy, as it should be done if what wants is a municipality for all and all the neighbors, and a Plan à la carte for a handful of entrepreneurs and real estate developers.
But instead of doing what is due, and in order to continue with the General Plan of the PP, the Government of MC and PSOE (later that of the PSOE alone) preferred to appeal the judgments, process an express review and get out of the I will play the transitory norms, ideas that the only thing that they were looking for was to make a "cut and paste" of the 2012 Plan, and for those same ones they failed: because they are crude attempts to circumvent the law.
With respect to the participatory process itself, the purple formation values ​​it positively, since it was a proposal of its group from the beginning of the legislature.
Pilar Marcos, spokesperson for the municipal group, said: "We think it is very good to start the participatory process with specialists in the field, knowing that it is only the first phase, but still we have very few times and resources made available by the Government.
It is ridiculous to think that in two months we will be able to reach all the residents of the municipality, and more illusory is to believe that in May we will have ready an advance that reflects the feelings of the neighbors.
These are the consequences of not having done what had to be done from the beginning of the legislature.
Now we are running, and more for electoralism than for democratic convictions. "
Finally, from Podemos we consider it a priority that the resulting General Plan be the product of a true participatory and democratic process, that responds to the general interest, that we take into account the neighborhood allegations already presented and those that will be presented in the future, and that all this serves to change the course that Cartagena has been taking until now: "We want an orderly municipality, that grows rationally, that generates wealth and work, but that this is not at the expense of destroying our heritage, the environment or putting at risk the health and well-being of ordinary people. "
Source: CTSSP