CTSSP-Podemos will not tolerate any violent behavior in the highest body of citizen representation, as is the municipal plenary session.
We strongly condemn the violent attitude of the MC Spokesman, after the incident that occurred this morning when José López hit the table of the presidency of the Plenary, intimidating Mayor Ana Belén Castejón with this behavior ... besides uttering threatening cries and blows later on the door of the own plenary.
The only ones that lose out are the citizens, who are offered a depressing and bleak show of politics and politicians, and who are not to blame for their questions and the government's answers can not be answered by having to suspend the full.
We emphasize that our motion has been approved so that a complete inventory of all the municipally owned buildings affected by the asbestos is drawn up and so that a Disarmament Plan can be drawn up.
It is very unfortunate that this and other beneficial initiatives are eclipsed by incidents such as today, which we hope will never happen again.
Source: CTSSP