"What is the municipal government doing to be the neighbors who ask for the decontamination of the land of El Hondón?
How is it possible that administrations do not move a finger when we are talking about a major urban and health problem?
In what head it is possible that the proposals for action do not start from the administrations, which have technicians and specialists, and who should be the first interested in solving environmental problems like these ".
With these questions Pilar Marcos summed up the confusion and indignation that PODEMOS generates for the absolute abandonment that both the CARM and the City Council are showing with the contamination of the soils in Cartagena.
After knowing through La Verdad that it is the neighbors themselves who must take the projects to the headquarters of the competent administrations, the purple formation has issued a press release in which it qualifies as truly reckless (and possible cause of crime) that during For many years, neither the CARM nor the City Council have implemented actions in El Hondón or Torreciega, that there are no written projects or assigned items, and that in the meantime ordinary people do not even know the risks posed by these lands, nor the formulas for minimize its impact, nor the deadlines and assigned items to guarantee the definitive solutions.
Source: CTSSP