- "With this initiative, Cs is committed to taking a step forward in the municipal policy of serving the elderly of Cartagena to alleviate social isolation, deepen in educating the public and change at once the concept that many still have our elders , which sometimes borders on pure discrimination ", says the spokesman of Cs Cartagena, Manuel Padín
Citizens will ask at the next plenary session that the City of Cartagena will launch a municipal plan to combat and prevent the unwanted loneliness of the elderly in the municipality.
"This is a package measures Citizens has already presented successfully in other cities such as Albacete or Malaga, Cartagena should and can be a friendly space with their elders," says spokesman Orange training, Manuel Padin.
Cs will take to the next Plenary a motion with a wide battery of political actions to improve the attention of this group, among them, the creation of an Office of Attention to the Major;
the implementation of a monitoring system to detect cases of loneliness among the elderly and the creation of a coordinated database with the municipal clubs for the elderly and senior centers of the IMAS, the implementation of an easy mobile application management for those who live or feel alone;
campaigns to highlight the necessary role of the elderly in our society, and increase the number of intergenerational activities and encourage physical activity through the installation of biosaludables games, as well as the arrangement of those that are currently defective, "The state of most of these elements that the City Council placed on public roads is regrettable," says Padín.
Another of the keys of the Cs motion will be to analyze the need to provide more municipal spaces for the elderly, "that's why we are going to request a study of the needs of attention to select the most suitable location for the creation of a municipal center for our elders, among other possibilities, we have the Naval Hospital, although before that we would have to carry out a technical analysis of its structure, and evaluate the possible financing routes "
Manuel Padín clarifies that the City of Cartagena already works, albeit informally, in the monitoring and attention of people who are alone, "but we want and need more."
With this initiative, Cs is committed to take a step forward in the municipal policy of attention to the collective of elderly Cartagena to deepen in educating the public and change at once the concept that many still have of our elders, "that sometimes borders on the pure discrimination ", denounces Manuel Padín who adds that his proposal will include" measures to promote an active social life among the elderly and improve the assistance and coordination of the City Council with the drafting of a municipal resources guide ".
Cartagena, in the Friendly Cities Network
On the other hand, the orange spokesman recalled that Cs achieved that since this year Cartagena belongs to the Network of Friendly Cities with the Elderly in Spain, "the adhesion to this network has its advantages and also its obligations," the integrated Consistory commits to promote the active participation of older people in their territory, make a diagnosis of the situation, carry out a long-term work plan and describe the phases of its execution, follow-up and finally present the evaluation of the results;
for that reason, we are going to ask in the next ordinary Plenary session if the Department of Social Services is fulfilling its duty to prepare this long-term plan ".
Increase life expectancy
Life expectancy has risen dramatically worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2020, for the first time in history the range of people over 60 will exceed that of children under 60 years of age. 5 years, in 2050, according to the WHO, the world population of more than 60 years will reach 2000 million, compared to the 841 million that there is today.
"The aging of our population together with the growth of single-person households is a challenge that we have to face, because in a few years it will transform our social structure and we must be prepared to plan a comprehensive strategy for this unprecedented population challenge", he assured. the spokesman of Cs Cartagena.
Source: Cs Cartagena