CTSSP-PODEMOS has explained its rejection of the 2017 General Account for the make-up and falsified accounting of Casco Antiguo SA, as well as for the innumerable budgetary modifications, which in two months almost reach two million euros, and which show an absolute arbitrariness by a minority government.
The purple formation, also criticizes the budget of the PSOE, its execution, and worse, everything that has not been executed, and that with the thousand and one modifications made demonstrates a lack of total respect to the Plenary Session of the City Council as well as the permanent break of the commitments assumed with the Cartagena citizenship as a whole.
Finally, Podemos has criticized the botched procedure of the Government, which today has taken to vote the general account of 2017, and that urgently and unfairly announces new millionaire transfers to Casco Antiguo SA, which they communicate in the Board of Spokespersons and not as it should be done, in a Board of Directors or in the Shareholders' Meeting itself.
Source: CTSSP