- The PSOE Government has committed to convene in the coming weeks and has confined itself to answer that the Ministries of Justice and Defense continue to consider possibilities that will be noticed at the table
Citizens Cartagena today asked for explanations for the absolute lack of information about the main pending judicial matters in Cartagena, such as the possible cession of the military dependencies that are in the Reina Victoria avenue, the Navy Subsistence Factory, to build there the City of Justice.
The orange formation also wants the PSOE to give a specific date for the start of the works of the new Family Court, and the Mortgage Court is implanted in the city of Cartagena, "an option that already has the support of all municipal groups in the Consistory, but still in the air ".
The local spokesman of Citizens, Manuel Padín, has denounced that the City Council still does not convene the Justice Bureau of Cartagena, "it has been almost three months since the Bar Association, the College of Attorneys, the Association of Social Graduates, and the Federation of Neighbors, among others, signed a manifesto that requested that this table be assembled as soon as possible, "said the orange spokesman who has informed that his group will also ask for explanations for this breach.
The Government of Cartagena has not wanted to offer more information and has merely announced that in the coming weeks will be convened to account for proposals that the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Justice are considering, and on the other hand, the City Council.
Manuel Padin does not understand how the PSOE can ignore this social outcry or that he said he will not do it until there is news, "it is nonsense, if there are delays and blockage, we want to know why, and I remind Ms. Castejón that there are many other topics on the table such as the need for the Juvenile Court, a Mercantile Court, the establishment of a Mercantile Registry, an office of the Labor Inspection in Cartagena and a delegation from the Commission for Free Legal Assistance.
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena