The mayor Ana Belén Castejón met this morning with the Personnel Board of the City of Cartagena, which has guaranteed that there will be a budget for the payment of Special Availability (RED) hours for Local Police, Fire and Emergency personnel. Municipal brigades from here to the end of the year.
In fact, the mayor has informed them that this morning in the Governing Board a budget modification will be approved to guarantee the payment of RED hours to members of the Fire Extinction Corps and brigades of the municipality.
"During the coming weeks there will be losses linked to some items of works that are being awarded at a price lower than the bid price, with which we can finance the RED hours.
In the approval of the municipal budgets there were political groups that suppressed the partitions of RED hours foreseen in the budget to allocate them for other purposes, but there is no problem because we are going to be able to cover them with the losses for works, "said Castejón.
Also, the mayor has notified the representatives of municipal workers the continuity of the selective processes that began a few months ago.
"Now is the time to define the agendas and the courts and see, category by category, how is each of the processes.
The objective is to agree the specific bases of each one and to establish priorities negotiated with the unions at the time of summoning the selective tests ", has explained the first aedile.
The mayor has also offered the unions a proposal to adapt to the state regulations of March 2018 so that public employees can collect 100% of their salaries from the first day of their sick leave.
Finally, Castejón has indicated that the Public Employment Offer of 2018 will incorporate the necessary places so that all active administrative assistants have the option to internal promotion to obtain their administrative positions.
In 2017 more than 130 places were called, but there were still forty pending that will be published in this year's EPO.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena