After the extraordinary convocation of the Governing Council of the ADLE (Local Employment Agency), and outside the agenda, the president of the same and mayor Ana Belén Castejón, has informed the municipal groups of the proposal for the appointment of the new manager, in substitution of Manolo Mora, who will soon become councilor of the Socialist Government.
We can approve the proposal of the Mayor, that the new director or manager is a worker of the ADLE itself, however understands that this appointment must be made through a merit contest among all the employees of the Agency, valuing for this is the constitutional principles of equality, merit and ability.
The spokesperson of CTSSP Pilar Marcos, said at the end of the meeting that "this position should be filled by the person with the most experience, capacity, and training in the employment issues that are carried out by the ADLE. time of the dedazos has come to an end, it is the moment of transparency and put white on black at the time of choosing those responsible for municipal agencies and programs "
Source: CTSSP