The plenary session of the City Council of Cartagena, gathered this morning with ordinary character, under the presidency of the mayor, Ana Belén Castejón, has unanimously approved of all the political groups the regulation of the Municipal Council for Children and Adolescents, proposed by the Municipal government.
The purpose of this council is to promote actions that favor social awareness towards the promotion and defense of the rights of the child, offering children a channel of institutional participation.
The council will have a technical and consultative nature and will be composed of 22 minors representing various sectors and associations, municipal technicians, representatives of political groups and UNICEF.
Likewise, one of its aims is to promote institutional coordination in the implementation of policies aimed at children and adolescents in the municipality.
As reflected in its explanatory statement, child participation is a right and one of the four fundamental principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child approved by the United Nations on November 20, 1989.
This convention establishes that children must be able to form their own judgment, as well as the right to freely express their opinion about the situations that affect them, taking into account the child's opinions according to their age and maturity.
The recognition of the right to participation is based on the proposal promoted by the mayor, Ana Belén Castejón, in her capacity as Social Services responsible, considers children as protagonists in the social environments in which they participate, active agents in the construction of knowledge and daily experience, with the capacity to defend their own rights and to fulfill responsibilities;
so that childhood is given the "status" of a citizen and ceases to be an object to become a subject of rights.
It also explains that the competence to participate is acquired gradually, with practice, and children and adolescents can not be expected, upon reaching adulthood, to become responsible and participative adults without any prior experience in the skills. and responsibilities that this entails.
Participation is, therefore, a right and a responsibility, since it involves sharing the decisions that affect one's life and the life of the community in which one lives and express one's opinion in matters that affect them.
On December 21, 2017 the first structure of this council was launched with the participation of a fortnight of children, which will now be joined by representatives of municipal political groups and will develop the Cartagena Declaration in the past. full municipal as Child Friendly City.
Within the motion of motions, the Plenary has approved one formulated by the popular Antonio Calderón so that the City of Cartagena, together with all the agents involved, policy makers, collaborating entities, host families and other administrations analyze the situation of the program Holidays in Peace that came facilitating the reception of Saharawi children by families from Cartagena during the summer and that due to different vicissitudes has no longer had the desired impact.
With the abstention of the popular group, the Plenary has approved a motion by the councilor of MC Cartagena, Ricardo Segado, urging the local government to work on a historic 'Wall Plan' of the city, in order to develop an updated regulation in based on unified criteria and objectives when deciding on the excavation, conservation and subsequent value enhancement of the traces found in the different actions in plots of our historic district.
For this, progress will be made in meetings with the regional government and with experts in heritage, who will elaborate these criteria and modify the PEOPCH based on said updated regulations.
Councilman Heritage, David Martinez, explained that the local government has already contemplated a study to unify the performance criteria affected by the appearance of the new remains.
Another motive approved unanimously in the Plenary was the one formulated by the councilor of MC Cartagena, María José Soler, urging the State Administration and empowering the Mayor's Office to manage the creation of a main Civil Guard post in the barracks of Cartagena or, where appropriate, in El Albujón;
the extension of the area of ​​influence of the National Police to towns near the urban nucleus of Cartagena and the territorial reorganization of the area of ​​influence of the El Albujón and Cartagena barracks.
The Councilor for Security, Francisco Aznar, said that these are issues that coincide with the long-standing demands of the Federation of Neighborhood Associations and that will be raised by the mayor in a future meeting with the Government delegate.
At the proposal of MC Cartagena spokesman, José López, the plenary has also approved, in this case with the abstention of the PP, to urge the Governing Council to include in the regional budget project of 2019 the investment items necessary and sufficient to start up the Central Cinema and expand the MURAM building on the adjacent lot.
Also ensure that the resulting spaces have as use: a public space linked to the image and the scene in the Central Cinema, making room for the FICC Festival and the CEHIFORM, in addition to the Municipal School of Theater and music schools , creating a living building of teaching, essay and representation;
the exhibition of the Marifí Plazas collection in the expansion of MURAM;
a library / study room according to the social need detected by the UPCT.
Likewise, the groups of the Assembly are urged to include it in the parliamentary procedure of the 2019 budget.
A motion by María José Soler, from MC Cartagena, has been approved unanimously so that the local government can process the modification of the current Municipal Ordinance on Traffic, Circulation of Motor Vehicles and Road Safety by introducing measures to improve mobility in Cartagena.
To this end, the Mobility Bureau will be convened, together with representatives of neighborhood groups and those related to sustainable mobility, and a draft will be prepared that will include the contributions of the groups represented in the Table.
Finally, the start-up of the 'Zones 30' will be promoted throughout the historic center of Cartagena, from the Paseo Alfonso XIII, installing the signage acquired for this purpose in 2017 and carrying out the traffic calming measures that are necessary .
Pilar Marcos, the spokesperson for CTSSP-Podemos, has also received the unanimous support of the municipal groups to urge the regional administration to jointly implement with the City a Comprehensive Plan for socio-community intervention. in the Barriada Virgen de la Caridad, where each administration assumes its powers in housing, social care, infrastructure and public facilities, allocating to it the resources necessary for its implementation, such as public procurement of professionals responsible for carrying out said Integral Plan, as social educators, social workers, and monitors.
Said plan must contemplate the coordination with the Local and National Police, so that they intervene in citizen security.
In addition, the Municipal Government, through Social Services, will develop a program or department from which all the work related to the Integral Plans to be developed in the most abandoned neighborhoods of the municipality will be coordinated, and from there the study and writing of said Comprehensive Plans, establishing priorities for this according to the degree of degradation of the neighborhoods in question.
The spokesman of Citizens, Manuel Padín, has obtained the support of PP, PSOE and MC to move forward his motion so that the municipal government promotes recycling among the residents of Cartagena through the installation of incentive recycling machines in the term municipal.
This system could be initiated through a pilot test by installing two machines in different parts of the city
CTSSP has voted against the initiative to understand that it is a measure whose economic cost corresponds to the concessionaire of the waste collection and treatment service, Lhicarsa and not the City Council.
The Corporation has also unanimously approved the motion by the spokesperson for Citizens, Manuel Padin, to design an environmental awareness plan on the oceanic posidonia, which includes the holding of informative talks in educational centers and the preparation and disposition of informative signage on the beaches of the municipality, to inform users of the need to care for and protect posidonia.
Likewise, the procedures for the drafting of a municipal protocol for the correct treatment, use and final destination of algae topsocks to the beaches will be initiated.
Also of Manuel Padín has been the motion formulated and that has approved the plenary unanimously so that the Municipal Government constitutes a Technical Office of Accessibility contemplated in the Regulatory Ordinance of Universal Accessibility for the municipality of Cartagena before the end of the year.
Through this Technical Office, a study will be drawn up that reflects the real needs of adaptation of waste containers for people with disabilities in the municipality and that will lead to the gradual installation of containers adapted according to the existing needs and as long as the budget allows.
The plenary session unanimously approved another motion by Manuel Padín for the local government to transfer to the Government of the Autonomous Community the urgent need for the termination and approval of the Law for the protection and defense of animals as soon as possible. company, so that the City can address the termination of its municipal ordinance.
With the votes against CTSSP and the abstention of MC Cartagena, the plenary session has approved another motion by Manuel Padín for the municipal government to send to the General Directorate of the Environment the list of needs for the El Gorguel landfill that includes the expansion of personnel for the maintenance of the treatment machines, the modernization of the facilities to improve the separation of waste, the adequacy of the percentage of rejects, the optimization of the separation of waste and the streamlining of the project of extension of the facilities that extend the operation of the landfill 7 more years.
It would also include investments made in previous years and planned investments, in order to develop a global work plan that improves the efficiency and capacity of the landfill and be eligible for regional and European subsidies.
With the abstention of PP and Citizens, the motion has been approved by the councilor of CTSSP Podemos, Francisco Martínez, to urge the Government of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia to proceed to create a counseling, based in Cartagena, that exercises, at least, functions, competences and attributions related to the coast, fishing and aquaculture, marinas, nautical and underwater activities, the problematic and uniqueness of the Mar Menor, pollution and the environment in general .
The plenary session has also approved with the abstention of the PP the motion of Francisco Martínez for the City Council to urge the Government Delegation in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia to carry out the necessary procedures for the transfer of the Coastal Delegation based in the city of Murcia to the city of Cartagena.
Another initiative of CTSSP We approved by the plenary session has been formulated by the councilor Teresa Sánchez so that the City of Cartagena and its technical services study the way to install underground containers gradually, eliminating the current ones, with a temporary planning that begins with the zones more tourist, centric and more influx of the municipality.
It has also been approved that while the previous thing goes ahead, the broken containers are changed by new ones;
clean dirty containers, including the floor they occupy, and keep them properly to avoid odors.
This motion has been approved unanimously.
Among the forty questions posed by councilors of the opposition to the municipal government, was the relative to the arrival of the AVE popular spokesman Francisco Espejo.
On the matter the Councilor of Public Services Juan Pedro Torralba, has reiterated in the manifesto by the thin of the Government in his meeting in Los Camachos with businessmen and neighbors, where he said that throughout September he will meet again with all social partners to share the studies made by the ADIF technicians of all possible alternatives
Torralba added that last August 17, the management of Cartagena Alta Velocidad, at the behest of Fomento, already requested documentation from the City Council, as were the editable files of the planning of Cartagena, files that were sent immediately, for which the Urbanism technicians suspended their vacations.
Torralba has said that the month of August has been working so that everything is ready for the month of September and a final decision can be made about it.
Also, among other questions, the councilor of the government, Obdulia Gómez, has answered the question of the spokesperson of CTSSP Podemos, Pilar Marcos, about the storage of butane cylinders in Aldea de Alumbres.
In this regard, he pointed out that the company currently lacks the corresponding license for the storage of cylinders and that its concession will be a regulated act for which it must have favorable technical and legal reports.
Gómez has also explained that the activity is currently suspended until he obtains the license in his case.
Finally and among other requests, the municipal government has collected the formulated by the spokesman of the popular group, Francisco Espejo, so that the auditorium of the Torres Park, is dedicated to the memory of the creator of the Festival La Mar de Músicas, Francisco Martín, recently deceased.
The initiative, initially formulated as a motion, has been transformed into a plea by agreement of the Board of Spokespersons, since the initiative for this type of nomination files, as contemplated by the Honors and Distinctions regulations, corresponds to the Mayor's Office.
The request also requests that the inauguration of his appointment be carried out in the next edition of La Mar de Músicas;
that a prize be created within the La Mar de Músicas festival with the name of "Paco Martín Prize" and that the motion approved in the last Plenum of July be held, in which an increase of 150,000 euros was requested in the budget line for 2019, the poster to be presented at FITUR and the collaboration of CARM in the promotion of the festival throughout the year
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena