Yesterday we heard the news that the City of Cartagena has copied the Trade Promotion Plan carried out by the Consistory of Palencia in 2012
Given the recent information known that the City of Cartagena has plagiarized the Trade Promotion Plan prepared by the Consistory of Palencia in 2012, the Deputy Speaker of MC Cartagena, Isabel Garcia, has indicated that "we attend with amazement a new and a grotesque episode that shows us that, even if we think not, Mrs. Castejón and her team of councilors, divided and 'in office', can still fall lower. "
In this sense, Garcia has assured that "it is not that the Government of Castejón does not have ideas, it is that it does not know nor copy those of the others".
Thus, in view of this information, published yesterday by the Municipal Citizens Group, the mayor of the Cartagena training has pointed out that "it is not that Mr. Padín is known precisely in municipal circles for his work, but rather For his now famous blank sheet, I understand that he would be looking for ideas for the contributions of his Group and he has stumbled upon the Palencia Plan ".
Urgent convocation of the Council of Commerce
For all these reasons, Isabel García has considered "the need to urgently convene the Trade Council and that Mrs. Martín del Amor make the only service she can offer to the sector: present her resignation".
Thus, he pointed out that "it is not bad to see what works for others and to take ideas, that is one thing and another the joke of Martin del Amor".
It should be recalled that MC Cartagena, through his deputy spokesman, warned after the meeting of the Local Trade Bureau, convened "urgently" on August 16, in full
week of the bridge, which is the cartagenerista formation "the only one that has a Plan of Commerce with vision of future for the growth to medium and long term".
Thus, it was the pressure of MC, along with the complaints of merchants and hoteliers in the face of bad data, which forced the Councilor for Commerce to hastily draw up a Draft Plan for Dynamisation, "since their only intention was to distribute subsidies. ", pointed out Garcia, who in this regard, recapitulated that" we said that it was a generic document that should be completed with concrete actions, which is what we have been working on together with industry associations. it is just a copy of a city very different from ours, because they could have looked for a Levantian town to be copied. "
Cartagena, a privileged city with areas with its own commercial entity
Cartagena is a privileged city in which different areas are located with their own commercial entity that can not be treated equally at the time of proposing dynamic strategies and commercial improvement actions.
"We must differentiate between the historic center, the commerce of the districts and councils and the areas of the Cartagena coast, respecting the particularities of each place and designing a balanced commercial structure that complements, so that they do not compete with each other," he said. The MC's deputy spokesperson
SWOT analysis and proposal of sectoral solutions
Likewise, García has considered that, after carrying out the sectorization by geographic zones, a SWOT analysis should be carried out, in which the weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities are observed, with population and commercial censuses, with their different needs and fluctuations.
Once this in-depth analysis is carried out, it will be time to propose sectoral solutions, "understanding that the solution is not to bring all the merchants of the municipality to do fairs in the port, nor the standardized training. "
The Cartagena councilor stressed that "to achieve a Plan to Promote Trade that works well, the efforts of everyone must be combined in terms of planning,
investments, implementation of quality systems or preservation of the environment, among other measures, with the commitment to develop actions of joint commercial dynamism to provide added value to the existing commercial offer ".
Decalogue of strategic lines proposed by Isabel García
Known all this information, Isabel Garcia has reported that "the PSOE should throw their 'plagiarism' to the paper and make a serious and studied plan that includes, at least, the following strategic lines that should be specified in a set of detailed actions" :
Commercial Urbanism
Modernization of Open Shopping Centers, Municipal Markets and Commercial Structures
Modernization of the commercial fabric and incorporation of TIC's
Creation of the commercial brand "Comercio de Cartagena"
Support for the Entrepreneur and simplification of administrative procedures
Professionalization of the commercial activity that allows to increase the quality
Economic and Financial Support
Promotion and communication
Integration of trade and tourism with the creation of "Cartagena Shopping Port"
All these actions must be prioritized, scheduled in time and budgeted.
In addition, it should make a reorientation of the Department of Commerce and provide it with the necessary means to coordinate all the services that associations need and not only focus on the promotion.
Finally, Isabel García has sent a message of tranquility to the commercial sector of the municipality of Cartagena.
"We know that they are disappointed and deceived by this new and crude maneuver of the PSOE, but MC is committed to take forward the Plan to Promote Trade and we know how to do it".
Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena