- "The Internet is characterized as a free, open and participatory platform, but if it is used recklessly it can become a nightmare, which is why we believe it is important to implement educational and training measures for children, parents and educators on cybersecurity" , defends the spokesman of Cs Cartagena, Manuel Padín
Citizens Cartagena asks the local executive to launch a series of measures to promote and encourage responsible use of the Internet among children, as well as orientation and counseling workshops for parents and teachers.
The orange formation understands that the talks that the Local Police of Cartagena offers in the educational centers should be increased and complemented with other actions.
Citizens will urge the government team to host on February 7 in Cartagena the International Day of Secure Internet, held at the request of the European Commission and with the collaboration of INSAFE, the European network for a secure Internet.
The objective of this event will be to sensitize both minors and parents, educators, social workers, businessmen and politicians, about the responsible and safe use of ICT.
The orange training will also ask to establish new workshops throughout the year given by experts who, when possible, will be members of the State Security Forces and Bodies, using municipal facilities;
and finally, the development of family training programs in ICTs will be encouraged in initiatives such as "Live a Secure Internet", by OCU and Google, editing guides and opening consulting services, as well as carrying out campaigns to disseminate information through the Communication channels of the City Council.
"The objective of our initiative is that both parents and children are aware of the danger posed by the Internet and social networks, and that they have the necessary tools and mechanisms to make responsible and respectful use of them," the spokesperson said. Citizens in Cartagena, Manuel Padín.
Cyberbullying in figures
According to the study 'Yo a eso no juego' of 2018, prepared by the NGO Save the Children through a survey of more than 20,000 Spanish students between 12 and 16 years old, the Region of Murcia is at the head, together to Andalucía and Melilla, in percentage of minors who are victims of cyberbullying.
The report shows that 6.4% of school children in the region have suffered some episode of cyberbullying, 84.6% being girls and 15.4% boys.
"These figures are very worrying and from public institutions we must do everything possible to reduce them, which is why we are taking this initiative to the House, because we believe it is essential that it be put into operation," says the orange spokesman.
Experts warn that a high percentage of friends or followers who have children in their social networks are unknown who have access to images and information that is uploaded or shared through social networks, which makes the child in a potential victim of pedophiles and stalkers.
"The Internet is characterized as a free platform, open and participatory, and has many positive aspects, but if used recklessly it can become a nightmare," warns Manuel Padín, who defends the importance of "implementing educational and training measures. for children, parents and educators on cybersecurity ".
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena