During the Plenary Session of the City Council to be held on Thursday, July 26, the spokesman of the MC Cartagena municipal group, José López, will demand by means of a motion that the socialist government support the local musicians and music promotion sector in its main claims.
In this sense, Lopez has ensured that the revitalization of the cultural world and, especially, that of the music sector in Cartagena is a "historical demand" among local artists.
In this regard, he pointed out the need to promote and encourage the cultural industry since, in his opinion, "doing so we help our economy and generate an entity and brand as a city".
Cartagena, a city of talent and creativity demonstrated
José López has influenced the talent and creativity that the musicians of the city have always shown.
Despite this, "with little support, some groups have managed to project themselves nationally and internationally, helping even in municipal programs, giving lectures and free courses or offering to give advice to those who require it".
Due to all this, due to the limited support of the institutions, the Music Association of Cartagena has been created, whose purpose is to defend the interests of artists and promoters, as well as acquire a greater specific weight and be able to opt, even, for calls and
funds that allow you to cover your projects.
Creation of the artist census driven by MC
On the other hand, the spokesman of the municipal MC Group has stressed that "it is essential that the approved plenary agreement for the creation of a census of local artists, something that despite our insistence and reminder, has not yet been done."
It should be remembered that this measure was approved unanimously, at the proposal of the Cartagena training, in the City Council Plenary of March 2017.
Also, Lopez has highlighted the importance of the City Council's support to submit projects to calls for public aid, while favoring agreements with the General Society of Authors (SGAE) so that there is a balance between the collection for copyright and the contribution that must revert in the citizenship of Cartagena.
In addition, another of the initiatives that MC considers to be very positive, is that the radio stations of the city dedicate minutes to the soloists and Cartagena groups, since in this way they would take a greater role.
Concrete measures
Among the measures that MC claims the socialist government, in addition to the aforementioned creation of the census of artists, are the following:
Work jointly with the Music Association of Cartagena, once it has been established, in order to create an advisory service for young musicians in the Youth Council;
allocate the municipal resources that are possible to help in the necessary training to professionalize the sector, as well as encourage the participation of musicians of the city in fairs and national and international exhibitions.
Encounter with collective rights management entities, such as SGAE, to negotiate formulas for collaboration on copyright and possible reversals of the resources generated in Cartagena.
Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena