About twenty health researchers and technologists have started this Monday the summer course of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) 'Preparation of research proposals in health technologies', which will be speakers a biweekly experts in biomedical engineering, technology transfer , Law and norms of protection of data and communication.
The course, coordinated by Joaquín Roca and in which the vice-rectorships of Research and Information and Communication Technologies, as well as the Cartagena Bar Association and the Health Area II of the Autonomous Community, are broadcast by the UPCT from its web platform stream.upct.es from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. from Monday until the end of Friday.
The former president of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering, the researcher of the University of Seville Laura Roa, was the first speaker of the course, which gives a cross-sectional view on research in health technologies, both from the technical point of view, legal and health.
The Office of European Projects of the UPCT, as well as the Research and Technology Transfer Unit, the CRAI-Library and the Communication Service will contribute their knowledge about the calls for projects and the documentation and dissemination tasks.
"The objective is to favor the creation of mixed research teams in health technologies," explains Joaquín Roca.
Source: UPCT