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Citizens will request explanations from the municipal government for not working on the plan to improve road safety in Cartagena (26/06/2018)

- The orange formation will also ask about the traffic jams that occur between the two and three in the main departures of Cartagena due to the problems with the fitting of the shifts and the working days of the agents

Cartagena, Tuesday June 26-.

Citizens (Cs) Cartagena managed on September 28, 2017 to move forward unanimously a motion that obliged the Government of Cartagena to design a road safety plan and visibility of the pedestrian crossings of the municipality.

"Nine months later, the City Council continues to act intermittently and improvised in this matter, no comprehensive action has been designed, and in addition, we now know that there are gaps in the deployment of agents due to the shift changes between the two and the three that have not been solved and causes traffic jams in the main exits and insecurity in the population, an issue for which we will also ask at the next ordinary plenary session ", informed the local spokesman of Cs, Manuel Padín.

The orange formation reminds that the update of the vertical signage is also pending and that the speed bumps of the municipality are regulated, "we are not asking for big street remodeling operations, but we have focused on those aspects that are not excessively expensive but can represent important improvements in road safety in the urban area for both people and vehicles, "explains Manuel Padín.

The orange spokesman has reported that "every day, we receive citizen complaints in the Municipal Group about areas near schools, medical centers, parks or courts, where pedestrian crossing is not visible or directly does not exist, and we know that these deficiencies are even greater when you enter neighborhoods such as San Antón or San Ginés, and the councils when the economic cost to correctly signal these steps is minimal ".

Cs includes checking the speed bumps, installing bollards and awareness campaigns

For orange training it is urgent that the Government, in collaboration with the Provincial Traffic Headquarters and the Local Police, design a preliminary study on the visibility and safety of pedestrian crossings, and the status of vertical signs.

On the other hand, and based on the results of this study, Cs again urges the realization of a prioritized plan to optimize the maintenance of road markings and vertical signs, eliminate obstacles to a pedestrian crossing that reduce visibility ( parked cars, containers, etc.), increase night visibility in pedestrian crossings, especially in interurban areas, the installation of bollards to avoid parking in the previous pavements, improve the technical quality of horizontal signage and vertical of the existing steps, reinforcing the painting or adding reflective elements that avoid the need to install lighting elements, and carrying out informative campaigns in the media of the City of Cartagena to inform, educate and raise awareness both pedestrians and drivers, to understand the importance and respect that respect for standards deserves.

As for the speed bumps, the orange formation believes necessary an impact study of the installation of speed bumps to reduce speed in different areas of the city, "it is still pending that the government team carry out an inventory of existing speed reducers in the municipality with specification of its morphology as well as the formulation of a municipal ordinance for speed reducers according to the regulations ", Padín has informed.

Citizens believe that the few specific actions of the Government are "clearly insufficient, we need a detailed study of our needs at the municipal level, and prioritize the work through a plan".

"We know that the City Council is implementing very little by little a strategic plan for sustainable urban mobility, called 'M17', which includes the installation of traffic lights and smart pedestrian crossings, but if I have seen you, I do not remember."

Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena

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