The albinegros counted in their rows with numerous cartageneros players like Pani, Arango, Juan Huertas or Paco Sanchez
The Municipal Group MC will propose at the next Plenary that door 13 of the Cartagonova stadium will be renamed the 'Ephesian Gold Generation', thus reminding the Albinegro team that during the eighties was active for several seasons in the Second World Championship and highlighted by Cartagena as Pani, Arango, Juan Huertas and Paco Sánchez, as well as footballers of the stature of Paco López or Trasante.
For this, the Cartagena training, as previously done with Miki Roqué or Sagarduy, will urge the municipal government to promote and initiate the processing of the record of honors for this purpose.
In the same way, the councilman of MC, Ricardo Segado, proponent of this initiative, will ask the Department of Sports to convene the Working Committee that was approved unanimously and whose objective is to honor the figure of prominent members of the history of Cartagena football .
Nine Cartagena in the team
In this sense, Segado has ensured that names like Perico Arango, Paco Lopez, Trasante, Juan Huertas, Sagarduy, Jose Luis, Pani, Aranguren, Morote, Perez, Rivero, Pelegrin or José García Murcia deserve the recognition of all.
"A generation of players, coaches and collaborators albinegros, many of them coincided in different seasons on the same campus, the generation of gold of Efesé, where up to nine players of the template were Cartagena."
A team that, the mayor recalled, came, at its best, to finish the league in eighth position of the Second Division A. "They knew how to win with justice the respect and affection of the fans in the city."
Continuity to work started by MC
As a continuation of the proposal of MC to nominate the door 1-21 of Cartagonova as Jabato Sagarduy 'for his special career within the world albinegro, "we consider it fair that the main gate of the stadium goes to pay tribute to these essentials of football that have been example that in Cartagena there has been, there are and always will be great professionals on the lawn, "said Ricardo Segado.
Finally, the head of Sports of MC recalled that in the past municipal Plenary of May "we requested from our Group to continue the nomination of stadium doors, we did it by proposal due to the immobilization of the socialist government, which continues today without to convene the Working Table We said that we already had another ambitious and fair proposal for the main door of the stadium, a proposal that we are now bringing. "
Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena