Forty-five young people have successfully completed the occupational training in 'Basic operations of restaurant and bar', 'Lifeguard in aquatic facilities' and 'Dynamization of free time educational activities for children and youth', Project COLOC, managed through the ADLE of Cartagena.
The students have received the diploma of the three Certificates of Professionalism, this Tuesday, June 12, in an act chaired by the mayor of Cartagena, Ana Belén Castejón and by the manager of the Agency for Development and Employment (ADLE), Manuel Mora.
Ana Belén Castejón congratulated the young people for successfully completing this training, and said that from City Hall they are proud to have been able to contribute, through the ADLE, to give them that opportunity to improve their training to have a decent job and quality.
In addition, he has encouraged them to continue training to be the best and above all to enjoy doing their job.
The mayor wanted to inspire the children in this new stage with the quote from the British writer and sociologist, John Ruskin, "The ultimate goal of true education is not only to make people do what is right, but to enjoy doing it; not only to form working people, but people who love work ".
The COLOC Project participants have completed the first phase by completing their personalized insertion itinerary.
The project is managed through the ADLE of Cartagena and co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF), in which forty-five young people under 30 years of age, enrolled and beneficiaries of the National Youth Guarantee System have participated.
Young people divided into three groups have received Occupational Training through three of three Professional Certificates at the following levels:
Level 1- Basic restaurant and bar operations (290 hours).
Level 2- Lifeguarding in aquatic facilities (370 hours).
Level 2 - Dynamization of free time educational activities for children and youth (310 hours).
The training of these certificates has been complemented with an integral intervention, which has meant for these young people the obtaining of different benefits in terms of improving their employability: they have learned an occupation, approved a certificate of professionalism, obtained a preparation and approach to the labor market through the practices carried out in collaborating companies.
They have improved their professional qualification with the passing of training modules in professional and specific competences according to each certificate of professionalism.
Of the beneficiaries who have successfully completed their itinerary, the first labor insertions have already taken place after the internships.
These contracts are within the hospitality, leisure and free time sector, with 43% of young people who have passed the corresponding Certificate of Professionalism.
In these moments also two these students are working in England through the Expeura Project carried out by the Department of Youth.
The second phase of the COLOC project, for another forty-five young people, began on May 8 and is currently being formed in:
Level 1- Recording Operations and Data Processing and Documents (440 hours).
Level 1- Auxiliary Operations of Continuous Coatings in Construction (440 hours).
Level 2 - Dynamization of free time educational activities for children and youth (310 hours).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena