- "We face the most intransigent and inept face of bipartisanship, the PP we have to thank the imposition of an arrival on the surface without social consensus, and the PSOE the arrogant temerity of defending the interests of Cartagena alone without counting the rest of political formations ", has assured the spokesman of the orange formation in Cartagena, Manuel Padín
- Citizens wants the agreement to be postponed until the broadest possible consensus is reached and suggests that the City Council invoke Article 205.1 of the Capital Companies Act ("LSC") that makes it possible to challenge agreements that, due to their circumstances, cause or content may be contrary to public order
"You can not go against the will of the neighbors", so forceful has been shown today the spokesman for Citizens in Cartagena, Manuel Padin, after hearing the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Cartagena High Speed ​​Society, which imposes the arrival on the AVE surface, that is, the proposal that the urban integration works begin at the end of the year 2020, and finish in 2023, with an investment of 66.6 million euros.
"We have been warning for more than a year, we do not want for Cartagena the social fracture that has occurred in the neighboring city of Murcia because of the arrival of the AVE, and therefore we asked from the first moment that we open the debate as much as possible. possible through an extraordinary Board of Spokespersons with members of Adif, and a Follow-up Commission with the presence of neighbors, especially those affected by the layout, "explained the orange spokesman.
For Manuel Padín, "it will be difficult to undertake a project of this magnitude if it is not previously supported by the affected neighborhood groups or the City of Cartagena, it is a tremendous irresponsibility to make a decision of this type without counting Cartagena Therefore, we strongly urge the Board of Directors to postpone the agreement until reaching a pact with the City Council and the broadest consensus possible, we do not ask too much, we just all go in the same direction so that the AVE arrives as possible and has not problems".
According to Manuel Padín, "the mayor of Cartagena is also guilty of this situation, despite the fact that we have been warning for months that he had to arrive in Madrid with a strong social and political consensus to be able to face the arrogance and the PP roll with guarantees, He has turned a deaf ear and has preferred to fight the lions with a fork. "
"Mrs. Castejón has not yet handed over to the municipal groups of the City Council the technical documentation of Adif, and is breaching the plenary mandate to convene a Board of Spokespersons on the arrival of the AVE since November 2017," recalled Manuel Padín, who assured that "today the situation would be different if the PSOE had worked for a common front, but has preferred to defend its position by ignoring the neighbors who are represented by the rest of the municipal forces, that is, has despised and silenced 83 percent of the electorate in a strategic decision that will mark the future of Cartagena. "
"We face the most intransigent and inept face of bipartisanship, the PP we have to thank the imposition of an arrival on the surface without social consensus, and the PSOE the arrogant temerity of defending the interests of Cartagena alone without counting the other formations policies ", has assured the spokesman of the orange formation in Cartagena, Manuel Padín
The spokesman for Citizens notes that "this is the first time that a High Speed ​​Board of Directors has made a decision of this kind against the will of the City Council, and with the Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Cartagena, and the recent neighborhood platform. creation with representatives of Barrio Peral, José María Lapuerta, Virgen de la Caridad, Torreciega, San Ginés and Sector Estación against. "
"You can not do worse and Citizens fear that this can lead to a serious problem of public order as has happened in Murcia, so we are going to recommend that the City Council consider challenging this ruling."
In this sense, Citizens has recalled that the infringement of public order can lead to the challenge of social agreements.
Specifically, article 205.1 of the Capital Companies Act ("LSC") provides that the challenge can be made when "it has as its object agreements that, due to their circumstances, cause or content, are contrary to public order".
"We believe that the City Council, by virtue of what happened in Murcia, can defend the challenge of this agreement in accordance with Article 205.1," said Manuel Padin, who also values ​​seeking "the protection of the Ombudsman."
Citizens will analyze in the coming days all the political and legal instruments within their reach to force the Ministry of Development and the Community to seek an agreement with the City Council before making a final decision, "we want to avoid neighborhood confrontation, and safeguard the social peace in this municipality "
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena