- "With the opportunistic policy of lurches we do not go anywhere, Castejón defends the western alternative one day, and the next day is defending the thesis of the neighborhood platform, one day asks the Port Authority to pay for the burial of the roads , and then finds out that a Port Authority has never invested in burial and that they can only invest in actions to lighten the freight traffic or in areas of port competition, "said Manuel Padín, who considers that" a government so weak and disoriented does not must face only one challenge as important as this one, it would be counterproductive and dangerous "
The Municipal Group of Citizens of Cartagena regrets that the mayor of Cartagena, Ana Belén Castejón, has decided to go to the Board of Directors of the Cartagena High Speed ​​Society in Madrid without sharing with the opposition groups the technical documentation offered by Adif in relation to the proposals on how High Speed ​​must reach the city of Cartagena.
"We regret that Mrs. Castejón has decided that such a vital issue for the future of Cartagena is taken by a Municipal Group that only represents 17 percent of the electorate, the fact that it is Government should not make you forget this circumstance", he assured Padín believes that "it is contradictory that a Socialist Group that proclaims to the four winds its desire for consensus, participation and transparency, behaves in such a unilateral and obscure way with something so momentous: blocking access to technical documentation and breaching a plenary agreement for seven months. "
"With the opportunistic policy of lurches we do not go anywhere, Castejón defends the western alternative one day, and the next day is defending the thesis of the neighborhood platform, one day asks the Port Authority to pay for the burying of the roads, and the other person explains that a Port Authority has never invested in burial and that they can only invest in actions to lighten the traffic of merchandise or in areas of port competition ", explained Manuel Padín, who considers that" a government so weak and disoriented It should not only face a challenge as important as this one, it would be counterproductive and dangerous ".
Eight months gasping participation
On October 16, 2017, Ciudadanos submitted a request to the mayor of Cartagena, calling it to convene an extraordinary Spokesperson's Meeting that included representatives of the public entity Administrator of Railway Infrastructures (Adif) to try to bring together positions among all the municipal groups with representation. in the city Hall.
Faced with the lack of response, the orange formation took this issue to the plenary session on November 30 and managed to move forward, unanimously, a motion to convene this Board of Spokesmen.
Since the local government has been violating since that plenary mandate, Citizens on May 15 sent a letter to the cabinet of the Mayor recalling its obligation to convene as soon as possible the Board of Spokespersons to inform and treat in a monographic way the options that Adif has raised for the arrival of the AVE to the municipality and to make delivery to all political groups of the technical documentation provided to justify the options that exist for the arrival of High Speed ​​to Cartagena.
In that last letter, Cs also proposed the creation of a Monitoring Commission of the alternatives for the arrival of the AVE in which the residents of Cartagena are represented, especially the neighbors affected by the route of the arrival of High Speed ​​in the municipality;
issue that will elevate to the next ordinary Plenary.
"Almost eight months after this Group first asked for something as simple as the arrival of the AVE to Cartagena obtain municipal, social, business, neighborhood and political support without fissures, the PSOE still does not answer the requirements we make, He still does not comply with the plenary agreement, and continues to ignore the other groups, if Castejón thinks that only the PSOE should take the reins of this matter is wrong, "said Manuel Padin.
As for the alternatives that are being known, the spokesman for Citizens has indicated that his Municipal Group is in "permanent contact" with his party at regional and national level, and studying the various possibilities, "we have the two proposals of Adif, the Government proposal on the western alternative, and several proposals that arise from different neighborhood platforms, and although the PSOE is making our work difficult with his attitude, we are studying all the details to be able to take a responsible, sensible direction and a solution that accompanies the need for High Speed ​​to arrive as soon as possible so as not to slow down our development, the urban expansion of the municipality, the neighborhood concern for the possible isolation and the wall effect in diverse populations, the combination of railway modification with the implantation of the Cercanías and the decontamination of the land ... many social and economic variables in a very com
a complex that can mark the future of Cartagena, which requires a very thoughtful and technically well-founded solution ".
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena